My Wim Hof Journey Week 6 Day 2


I have read that this happened to people and there was also a warning in the description for week 6 but I was sure it would not happen to me.

Boy, was I wrong....

I did not pass out completely, but I had to sit down under the shower and my world turned black for a couple of seconds.

I did not have this problem yesterday and I am a little uncertain how to proceed and will read up about this a bit more and probably go on with more caution or only in the ice bath since normally I am not alone there.

I did take the shower before my breathing rounds and I do not feel like doing them at the moment, so no times today.

For new readers I want to explain what I am actually doing here: The Wim Hof Method consists of 3 pillars

  • breathing : you breathe in very deeply and exhale. But you dont exhale all the air so you kind of "charge" yourself. You do 30-40 breathe cycles and then exhale all the air out in your lunge and withhold your breath as long as possible.

  • cold exposure: you start taking showers or jump into an ice bath and the lenght is increasing as you progress through the course

  • some physical excercise : mostly some Yoga but also push-ups. What is special about the push-ups is, that you do one breahting round before them and also exhale, so you do the push ups with an empty lung.

The pictures usually show Wim Hof himself.

breahte motherfucka


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