What Steemit is to Me

What Steemit is to Me

I am a pioneer, riding upon my trusty steed, exploring the new frontier and trying to find a little spot to call my own. Steemit to me is like stepping into the boots of an early settler. The world is your oyster and it is a brave new land.

Steemit represents the free speech of the population, a place to yet be settled and established. Where the land is fertile and the fruit is ready to be picked. The population grows from day to day, new fresh faced explorers arrive to start the rest of their lives. Bewildered and confused they take their first few hesitant steps onto the shores of a land where anything could happen. They are now free to find their own way.

Steemit is free from the shackles of censorship, where anybody can speak their mind and may even find an ear to listen. No body really knows the potential of this new community as it is still in its developing years. It is an exciting time to be part of this new frontier, blazing a trail towards the future. 

What I am Here For

Steemit to me, is a collection of knowledge, from around the world, based on passion and experience. It is where people can share the things that make them smile. Things that get their brains working, make them angry or just tickles their fancy. 

It stands for quality over quantity and content matters. It's not just about getting someone to read or watch your content but delivering content that someone likes or gets passionate about. From my limited time here so far, it seems that people are taking the time to create their content, to put some love, effort and pride into the content. 

I can see from my time here all ready that the underlying philosophy of stimulating content is going to be a hit with a population fed up with the spam, censorship and narcissistic nonsense flooding the other social media services.

I cant wait to see where we head from here.

Thanks @looftee #win10sbd

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