Making wine at my home

Note-The picture represents some crushed grapes that are from my garden

I salute you all !

Today I write about how I made some wine at my home.
The art of wine making is a ancient practice and it is one of the most spreed in the whole world.

It became so important that it was atribuated to gods and the god that represented wine or wine making was Dionysus .

Dionysus in Greek mythology was the god of vegetation, the orchards, wine, ecstasy and fertility, and Romans called Bacchus or Liber. It was also nicknamed Bromius, the Orphic Lyaeus etc. Dionysus was one of the most important deities known in ancient times, whose worship was spread throughout the world.

In my country (Romania) the name Bacchus was used and in our miths he was the god of wine and party and yes olso in the myths he had horns.

But from art to common practice...Time is passing and we like to say that we are evolving!
So down I have my little video of my experiece!


That was the most dark wine that we ever done and I can't wait to see how the wine will taste.

Thanks for watching!


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