The Old Dog Asks: Should I Drive The Cheapest Car That my EGO Can Afford?

  The other day while washing the windows at a BMW dealership my eyes fell upon a sleek, shapely, shiny and extremely powerful looking car. Wow what a beauty! VROOM! BABOOM! My eyes were drawn to it like a moth to the light, and no wonder, it was designed to cause just that reaction.   

 I had all of these feelings, all of this admiration without even seeing a single ad about the car. Imagine the pressure on my psyche, my ego, if I had! According to ads, with that car you get the perfect girl, the perfect family, lot's of friends, vibrant health, a better world and unlimited happiness and LOVE!



Here you can see the price. Lets just call it $170'000. At my stage in life do I deserve that car?

Was I building an inner desire to work towards purchasing that or a similar car as a goal? 

Absolutely Not! Here's Why?   

  Buy The Cheapest Car That Your Ego Can Afford!  

  I love proverbs. When a saying or expression strikes me as wise I write it down and try to apply it. One good one that I read many years ago was: “Buy the cheapest car that your ego can afford.” That’s profound!   

It struck me as not only wise in terms of saving money for my family but it would also allow me to remain humble and to share more with others. With my personality I'd actually be embarrassed to drive a car like that. You may be different and that's Ok. I'm just telling you how I feel. 

 I run a small business with 15 employees and most of them drive nicer and newer cars than me and spend a large percentage of their salary to do so. That’s their choice.  I drive a 2008 VW that I bought second hand for $2,000. I love it! 

Sure some people have the “disposable” income to purchase a luxury car and some people “need” a certain “class” of car because their customers demand it of them. For me, I want to get from point A to point B comfortably and safely.  

  “Teaching” Children to Desire a Luxury Car!  

  Have a look a this little ad promoting a BMW kiddie car. What are they actually trying to "teach" children or rather what do they want parents to instill in them?  

A luxury kiddie car. What's the end goal?

  Points to Ponder  

  • Do you find that saying wise? 
  • Do you have a passion for luxury cars? 
  • Does having a luxury car change your personality?
  • Does it change other peoples perception of you?
  • Do you have some favourite proverbs?   
  • @papa-pepper just wrote an article where he states that he can build a house for his family of 7 for $30,000. Maybe he should just keep saving and get the car instead! 

I hope that you enjoyed this look at one of my favourite secular proverbs!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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