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All mistake transfers to my @Randomwhale and @Randowale accounts have been returned.

If you send money to the official @Randowhale mistakenly do not expect it back. BernieSanders is a greedy scammer who cares nothing for the Steemit community. Other vote buying services have scripts to automatically return extra money sent on accident. Thankfully I however am a Christian. I do find it funny that as soon as I registered those accounts the community jumped on me.. @canadian-coconut even calling me a thief for "deceitfully tricking people" to send money to my accounts. Some users even got more than what they sent back.. along with upvotes worth 50 dollars.. What a kickass deal for them I must say. And thanks for your patience and for not condemning me with the rest before you knew what was going on @KarenB54. May God bless your life abundantly.

Or did I actually register them so I could give the money back when it inevitably happened?

Well, that ended up being the case, but people took BernieSander's bait. What kinda money grubber would not side with this man who feeds them paid upvotes from his tit? Also, in response to people who say "how could you wish someone's kids to die." .... Ausbitbank got trolled. He has been using terrible language against me for months and I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I wanted to see how far Bernie and Ausbitbank would take it. Bernie has been mocking me for abuse I endured as a child for the last 6 months and the community said nothing against it. You hypocritical monsters. And well..

The Steemit community could not have failed worse. 99% of you are witch hunters with no lives of your own. Get off the internet and get a job is what I would suggest.

So one of the people who accused me of being a thief for typo name-squatting is @Pfunk.. who squats exchange typo names himself!

Therefore @Pfunk must be a thief!

@Papa-Pepper can attest, the night this drama started a couple months ago he said "you should maybe send the money back." I replied to him, I'm going to hold onto it for a while and see how the community reacts.

And as you all can see my post about my history with poverty the other day was taking off.. a hundred encouraging comments.. until people started screaming "TROLL" and upvoting their hateful comments to the top. You guys are super pathetic.

And Ausbitbank is a liar. He promised not to flag me anymore if I don't use my botnet to upvote myself. Which I agreed.. But as soon as I get a post on trending BOOM.. he gathers the cowards and haters together to flag my heart felt article into the dirt. I expect nothing less from a godless child of the devil. I also find it funny how his wife @Krystle asks for forgiveness at the end of her article for her "bad language" but says she will never forgive me for what I said. God will never forgive her if she does not forgive me. Check the bible. @Krystle and her husband are on the Highway to Hell without Jesus Christ. Oh and yes, the way you lived does effect the health of your children. You may well have caused the sickness yourself. Oh, and the denial that he wants Israel to be destroyed.. That's just a straight up lie.. she wasn't even there but somehow she knows? Ok you silly little girl.

I did not return the money to "save my reputation." As you can see it is gone.. and I have nobody I wish to impress here. In fact I should think less of myself if these extremely evil folks liked me. But did you really think I would want to make the entire Steemit community hate me over 30 dollars of mistake transfers? Especially when I just made 1000 times that powering down some of my accounts? Sad. I returned the money because the Bible says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. - Proverbs 18:13

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