Abit Witness Update 2017-04-01, and WARNING to Authors and Steem Dollar holders

Upgraded to 0.18.1.

Base account creation fee set to 1 STEEM (effective fee would be 1 * 30 = 30 STEEM).

Recently Steem Dollar is getting too strong, so witnesses are expected to take actions -- change parameters.
My interest rate is set to 0, so hoarding is not encouraged;
My price bias is set to -50% temporarily, and it's subject to change according to future market conditions.

//Update on 2017-04-03: because SBD price dropped back, I updated my interest to 0.1% and bias to 0.

//Earlier Update:
Changed the title a bit. Adding a warning below

WARNING: Consequences of The Parameter Changes:

* Total Supply of Steem Dollars will increase faster than usual.

* You will earn MUCH MORE Steem Dollars (+50% is expected) than usual by posting

* If you use the "Convert to STEEM" feature in your wallet in the near future, you will suffer a big loss (-33% is expected). If you want to cash out your Steem Dollars, sell them directly.

More discussion / explanation is here: @timcliff/attention-sbd-converters-please-read-important-information-about-sbd-steem-conversions

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