[Witness Campaign] Agoric Systems kindly asks you for your vote to become Witness

Greetings Steem Community!

Today on Independence Day 2017, We at Agoric Systems officially launch our campaign to become a witness on the Steem blockchain. We are a collective of hackers, technologists, creatives, and activists with roots in digital and physical communities throughout the world; principal among these being Bitshares, Steem, & Detroit, Michigan. Our vision can be read here; essentially, we want to start a revolutionary, grassroots digital economy movement. It's time for people to take back their lost independence, and this decentralized autonomous community has the tools with which we can empower them to do so.

Collectively, our crew has already introduced Steem, Graphene, and blockchain technology to hundreds of people, and we’re just getting started! We aspire to become an active witness in cooperation with the Steem community, and in support of our core goals:

  1. To provide reliable infrastructure for Steem and other Graphene-based blockchain networks; e.g. helping to further develop and expand the witness toolset for maintaining operational infrastructure, providing price feeds, and acting as an oracle.

  2. To build our team’s collective influence on the network and leverage that influence for greater works, such as bringing more people to the platform, and in support of our other core goals.

  3. To create products and services that will support Steem and the overall Graphene ecosystem by maintaining a responsive product development pipeline.

  4. To run educational workshops in our local communities that will onboard more users to Steem, and help to amplify its existing network effect.

  5. To translate earned digital value into physical works as a testament to the power of distributed autonomous communities. We have ambitious goals, such as creating the first Steem-powered neighborhood in Detroit.

  6. To create inspiring and engaging media, further expanding the many communities of which the Graphene ecosystem is comprised.

Witness Server Specs

We have two witness nodes running in different availability regions to reduce the time to failover. We also have installed monitoring on all of our core nodes.

Witness nodes

  • Dual core 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon® E5-2686 v4 (Broadwell) processors
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 60 GB SSD
  • 450 Mbit/s unmetered bandwidth

Seed node

  • steem.agoric.systems:2001
  • 4 Dedicated x86 64 bit Cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 50 GB SSD
  • 300 Mbit/s unmetered bandwidth

The Agorians - (Who are we?)

@matt-a has been involved in the cryptocurrency space since Bitcoin’s inception and has decided to devote his life to Agoric Systems to ensure that as many human beings as possible can be educated on and liberated by cryptocurrency.

@robrigo is an adventurer and computerer. Closely following the Bitshares community since 2014, he has seen the light, and aspires to bring the crypto opportunity to everybody. In his free time, he likes to ride bikes and go hiking in remote wildernesses.

@rahulyadav is a software engineer at Duo Security. He is also the dean of the Detroit Chapter of Awesome Foundation. His passion lies in building usable products. He likes to read books and cook.

@lovejoy is an explorer between the realms of blockchain technology and physical community. He is a multimedia professional with a diverse background spanning film production, visual arts, storytelling, sailing, and herbalism. His goal is the telling of stories which inspire, empower, and connect people throughout the world.

@sensei is a digital nomad with a passion for discovery (both online and off). A generalist by nature, he specializes in helping businesses grow on the web via research, design, and development. You’ll find his heart resting at the intersection of art and technology.

@timothy-archer is a curious autodidact with an Internet connection and a propensity for all things aesthetic. He is Ingrained with a realistic but ultimately an optimistic outlook on the future and our ability to manifest change.

@spurious-claims is an impact-driven community and economic developer who is determined to ensure access to and meaningful engagement on the Internet. Education, outreach, and hustling are the name of her game.

Thank you for reading! Agoric Systems is committed for the long haul. We are battle tested, innovative, and adaptable! We hope that you will support our campaign for witness on this and other Graphene chains as we continue to work for the benefit of everyone in our growing community.

You can vote for our witness here by scrolling down to the bottom and entering the name "agoric.systems" in the VOTE field. Click here for a gif that walks through the process!

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

The Agoric Team

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