A Big Thank You to Some of The Best Witnesses I Know

I've done it. I've managed to break into the top 100 witness nodes running! Now that I've reached this milestone, I wanted to take a minute to look back and thank the people that have made this possible.

@someguy123 - This man's contributions to my witness and my campaign go without saying. Without him, I would have been out of pocket for my server hosting, but thanks to his Privex service, I've been able to turn my posting rewards here on Steemit into funding for my server. Not only that, but Privex has been exceptionally responsive to any sort of issues I've encountered. They've been Johnny-on-the-Spot with assistance. Not to mention the fact that his Steem Docker setup is the method I used to get up and running and to set up my back-up server. Kudos to you, sir!

@drakos - Man, oh man. I don't think I could possibly say enough about this guy in a single post if I tried. Not only is he one of the most involved witnesses I've ever met, he's also very friendly, approachable, and eager to help. The guy literally hangs out in #help to assist new users and to take the burden off of people like @timcliff. Not only that, but his website Steemian.info is my go-to resource. His fail-over bash script is what I'm using now to coordinate by primary and backup servers so I don't miss anymore blocks. He's answered more questions for me than anyone else, and he's never been condescending or short with me. This guy is one of the people I look to when I want an example of what a good witness is. You have my sincere thanks, sir. Keep up the absolutely awesome work.

@sircork - Corky! One of my very good friends here, he's been a constant source of encouragement, even when I blunder through mistakes I've made and show my ass. Like I've said elsewhere, I know just enough to get myself in trouble. Thankfully, I have Cork to lean on and help me fumble my way through the messes I get into. He's a literal powerhouse of activity. When he's not helping me with my witness or helping around the Writer's Block, he's turning all the money he makes on Steemit into donations to feed, clothe, and shoe people around the world. If you don't have the pleasure of his acquaintance, I highly recommend finding him and saying hello. Thank you for all the encouragement and help you've given me along the way, sir! I've got your back any time you need it.

@swelker101 - We blame Shane for everything that breaks. The truth of it is that he's a great friend. He's right there in the trenches with me, and when I'm stuck trying to figure out a problem or issue, sometimes the best guy to have beside me is someone working through the same problems. Add to that his inexhaustible sense of humor and positive attitude, and you've got a great friend. I'll always blame you Shane, but you're the life of the party. Don't ever stop being the lovable weirdo you are!

I also want to give a huge shout out to all the people that have voted for my witness. You have all made it possible for me to achieve this milestone, and I couldn't have done it without you. I will strive and endeavor to make sure your vote has been well-placed. My job as a witness is never finished; running a stable server is just the beginning.

Here's to the future and hitting my next milestone. Steem on!

If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.

Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei! You can also find me on PALnet and the Fiction Workshop on Writer's Block:


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