Anarcho-Andrei Witness Update: 14 October 2017

Another week down, another witness update. This one's pretty big for me, so I'm excited to bring it to you!

The last seven days have been intense. From server issues to things happening in my life outside Steemit, it's been a hell of a ride. I've got the last of my midterms coming up tomorrow, and then it's nose to the grindstone again with the studying and reading. Putting that aside, though, here's what's been going on with yours truly:

  • I am now ranked 96 overall! - Thanks to a very generous witness vote from @jerrybanfield, I've cracked into the top 100 witnesses! Jerry and I may not see eye-to-eye on everything, and I have many reservations about the way he conducts business, but I will never avoid giving credit where credit is due. Thanks to his vote, I'm now processing at least one block a day (sometimes two!). I'm much closer now to being self-sustaining. Or rather, I was, which leads me to my next point...
  • I have a backup witness server - After the issues I had the last time my witness node went down, I began missing blocks. In fact, as of now, I've missed five total. I discovered later that this had been an oversight on my part; I'd written a container for docker into the wrong folder, which resulted in my witness failing each time it tried to access the container. However, to avoid problems like the ones that started the whole mess in the first place, I've purchased a second VPS through Privex. It has the same stats as my primary (16Gb RAM, 4 CPU cores, 220Gb HDD), and, thanks to @drakos' awesome failover script, I now have failover protection in the event my servers go down. No more missed blocks!

I realize it doesn't seem like much because it's just two bullet points, but purchasing a second server is a hefty undertaking for me. Right now, I'm close to breaking even on paying for one server. Paying for a second is another world away. However, this is where you great folks at Steemit can help me. I need a fair number of votes more before I'll be able to process enough blocks in a day to break even. At this point, I'd have to climb another 10 ranks to earn enough through witnessing to pay for both servers. At that point I'd be breaking even.

So, if you can and if you find me worthy of voting for, spread this far and wide. I can use any and all votes that I can get. I have enough money set aside to run this set up for two more months on my own. Hopefully, in that time, I will have demonstrated my worth to enough of you to earn your votes and your trust. Steem on!

If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.

Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei! You can also find me on PALnet and the Fiction Workshop on Writer's Block:


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