Anarcho-Andrei Witness Update - 27 August 2017

Well, I apologize for the delay, but I'm here with another update on my witness node!

First and foremost, let me say thank you to @swelker101 and @isaria for the shoutout during your last MSP show. We all appreciate being appreciated! Shane has been a hell of a role model and example for me starting out as a witness. As everyone knows (or should know), there's a lot more to being a witness than just running a node, and Shane nails it.

What have I been up to in the interim? Well, let's take a look.

  • We had our first episode of the Fictioneers webcast! We had Bob White, an accomplished police procedural author on, and we took questions from the audience (as well as some of our own). Of course, dumb dumb me forgot to hit the recording button, but that's an issue that I will rectify this coming Tuesday. Next episode of the show is definitely going to have the stream recording so all of you guys can listen in!
  • I posted the first part of Adventures in Law School. The first section covered the lead up to the first legal memorandum. I have every desire to post more of them (and will be doing just that next week now that I have a handle on my law school course load). Stay tuned for the second part!
  • I am now officialy a Muxxybot curator! A few days ago, @gmuxx, that stellar programmer we all know and love over at the Minnow Support Project, put out a call for curation help with his curation bot @muxxybot. I applied for the position of curator, and lo and behold, I got a slot!

Looking forward, I'm going to be talking more with a fellow Romanian-born Steemian @alexvan to increase the exposure of Romanian content here on the site. Hopefully we can get some more engagement from my home country. :D

Stay tuned for more! This week has been a crazy ass couple of weeks, but hopefully, in the next couple coming up, I can get into a schedule and start posting more regularly. Steem on, everyone!

Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei!
You can also find me in the Fiction Workshop on PALnet:

If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.

Andrei Chira is an anarcho-capitalist, former 82nd Airborne paratrooper, vaper, and all-around cool guy. He's a father to one wonderful little girl named Kate, lives down in Alabama, and spends his time writing stories, posting to Steemit (not as much as he probably should), and cultivating the mental fortitude to make it through three years of law school.

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