Anarcho-Andrei Witness Update: 9 December 2017 - 100 Votes!

I have my backup server up and running, and I have reached my 100th vote!

When I started my witness node, I figured I might get a handful of votes from people I know. Friends, supportive people on the Discord servers, but maybe 20 or so people in total. I never thought I'd have the confidence of 100 Steemians behind me! Thank you to everyone for supporting me and supporting my witness! I promise I will live up to your expectations of me to the best of my abilities!

I also purchased a second 32Gb server from Privex to operate as a backup. My setup is the same: I'm running my node via docker, and I'm using the same failover script that I used on my previous servers. Thank you to @someguy123 for running such a responsive and friendly server provider, to @drakos for the failover script and the incredible help he's been at teaching me how to troubleshoot and stay operational, and everyone else in #witness on who have helped me to get here.

I'm looking forward to the next 100 votes, and I hope to keep the trust y'all have put in me!

If you want to vote for me as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my name.
Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei! You can also find me on PALnet and the Fiction Workshop on Writer's Block:

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