State of the Witness Ep. 6 - A show about nothing!

State of the Witness Ep. 6

Welcome to another rousing episode of the State of the Witness podcast! This week's episode comes a bit on the late side, and I apologize for it. It's not Shane's fault this time. We discussed the issues that have been keeping my time tied up heavily (law school and the study of law), discussed some hypotheticals, sternly warned people to respond to notices of default judgment if they get them in the mail, and the pitfalls of being unable to type properly. We also discussed the direction of bots on the platform and touched on the issue of centralization of stake. It's been mentioned many times by many people, but we talked about the consequences of bad behavior on behalf of large stakeholders. I'm of the belief that, ultimately, the power to set standards rests with the community and the users. They're going to be the ones that will excoriate bad behavior. The more of it that's seen and exposed, the less people will want to invest their time, effort, and money into the platform, so there's a heavy incentive against engaging in such behavior if one is a highly visible person.

We talked about our witness servers, and we spent some time talking about Shane's new tool to help curators collate voting activity and behavior to better analyze when to vote on content. It was a great show, and I know you guys will enjoy it!

**Come and see us on the Writer's Block Discord channel if you want to be involved in the chat! @swelker101 and I run the show every Friday at 6:30pm CST. You can also catch our podcast on Twitch.

If you want to vote for me or Shane as a witness, cast your vote here! Scroll down until you see this text box and type in my screenname as displayed below. To vote for Shane, type in swelker101 instead!

Like what you read? Follow me, @anarcho-andrei! You can also find me on PALnet and the Fiction Workshop on Writer's Block:

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