How to vote for me as a witness.

As of yesterday, I became a steem witness on a shared witness account. This is going to confuse a lot of people, especially those who have been voting for a non-existent witness of mine for quite some time now.

Voting for @beanz is not how you vote for my witness. My witness is actually 1/3 of @sircork. Another 1/3 belongs to @rhondak.

Together we make a team of community leaders with integrity and love for the steem community. We are

The Three Headed Beast

@rhondak is an advocate for animal welfare as a founder of a rescue center in Southwest Virginia which she writes about from the @tarc account. On STEEM she is not just a writer but also a community leader and motivator of a large community of aspiring writers on STEEM. If you are looking for a community to practice writing with then The Writers Block is a welcoming communty full of people who are delighted to help. As a blogging network, STEEM has a lot of potential to grow from attracting and nurturing great writers into the community. The more high quality content attracts people to read from the sites running on STEEM, the greater the number of investors who see its potential.

@sircork runs a number of digital media companies one of which is called the SteemStar Network where he promotes steemians building communities through their live-streamed interactive content. He also teaches these content creators to use recording software which improves their production value and continues to assist in the growth of these STEEM communities, not just from within steem, but also on the external platforms such as YouTube where we share the content. @sircork is even more famous for his STEEM charity initiative, where he has a large community of collaborators who use STEEM to bring resources to people who badly need them. When these initiatives gain attention from the communities they positively affect, they show the power of STEEM and attract more people to the platform. Join the YouAreHope community where you can make a real difference in the lives of people less fortunate than you, while simultaneously improving the reputation of the STEEM network.

@beanz is me and if you're reading this you probably already know who I am and what I do. This was really just a summary of what we're known most for in STEEM. Together we actually make up a pretty scary trio, because all three of us are known for speaking our minds on controversial matters and not really holding back when we strongly believe it is important to speak out. My own growing community - Voices of the Underground - is built with this principle running all the way through from the podcast to the conversations between multicultural members. It is a space for people to discuss the matters that matter most, which often lead to heated discussion, yet as a community we remain respectful of those who disagree with our point of view. We value the freedom of speech and expression as an important aspect to reduce sensorship which usually comes in the form of self sensorship on the steem network, when people feel their unpopular opinions will go unrewarded.

So there's some reasons to vote for us

and here are 4 ways you can vote for us

If you think I accidentally put @sircork in twice then go back and spot the difference.

The first option is to "vote for a witness outside the top 50". That witness is @sircork. This method gives you the freedom to use your other 29 votes as you please.


If you have a lot of spare votes and you don't know where to put them, you can choose to trust one of us and who we vote for instead. So the other 3 options are to "choose a proxy that will vote for witnesses for you".
This means you can use all your votes at once, without having to learn about the witnesses first. Although having said that, I encourage you to get to know the witnesses and what they do for the steem community in the meantime.

If you would prefer to proxy until you know your witnesses here is who we vote for

I plan to follow up this post with why I vote for these members of the community, so that you can get to know more about what I stand for and appreciate about witnesses, and therefore you can expect us to reach for the same standards.


Because why not

As a 3 headed witness we need a banner all 3 of us can use, which represents what we do for the steem network. I'll be giving 20 steem to the best banner and 10 steem to a couple of runner ups.

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