BlockTrades Witness Report for 2nd week of August

Christian Lains has asked all the witnesses to create a weekly report of our activities, so here's a short summary of BlockTrades' progress this week:

Most of our work this week was devoted to security and infrastructure improvements to the BlockTrades and OpenLedger transaction processing systems. We configured a couple of new servers as redundant backups using mirrored RAID drives. We've unified the way we manage the cryptocurrency wallets and other processes between OpenLedger and BlockTrades to reduce our daily workload (which speeds up the rate at which we can handle customer problems). We also made security improvements to the way we handle our cold storage wallets and databases. We've added additional Munin monitoring processes to detect upcoming potential problems on our servers (for example, SMART detection on drives to provide early alerts of impending drive failures).

On the steem coding side of things, Dan Larimer told us that his steem client is still occasionally falling out of sync, so we're re-enabling compression of the log files so that he enable logging in his client and send them to us for analysis.

Support-wise, we continue to assist new users in learning how to convert Steem Dollars to Bitcoin. We also gave assistance to some new users of our “fast-confirmation” feature that allows for rapid confirmations when buying cryptocurrencies such as Steem with Bitcoin.

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