OVH vs Vultr: Who can replay a steem node faster and cheaper?

As you all know there is a hardfork coming our way and this important event calls for all witnesses to upgrade their servers. I am a longtime supporter of a better voting distribution hence I have upgraded all my witness and seed nodes to version 0.19.0.

Now, while I was upgrading I also tested two well-known VPS providers, my findings were quite surprising to say the least.

Let the VPS Wars Begin!!

robot-wars-growler.jpg Image Source

I started my Vultr server before, so don't guide yourself on the percentage of the replay, instead look at the velocity of each VPS while doing the replay.

On the left side we have OVH Cloud RAM server: 2 Core CPU, 12GB Ram, 50GB HDD. Price $22,39/m.

On the right side we have Vultr VPS: 6 Core CPU, 16GB RAM, 200gb SSD. Price $80/m.

Judging by the specs and the price you would think that Vultr server would kick some serious ass right?..well take at look the servers in action:


OVH's server even passed Vultr's and finished the replay first! so OVH has proven to be way faster with much less specs and for a much cheaper price.

The one thing Vultr has in favor is that it accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment, but apart from that OVH servers seem to seriously outperfom Vultr's.

You might think that I am an ultra geek for recording this but it was actually quite reveling and kind of exciting too.

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