
Who Am I?

  • A human being, measuring roughly 1.80 meters (vertically), and weighing roughly 85 kilograms. (As of 2017 — I expect the former number to go down, and the latter to go up, as (or if) the years spent alive continue to accrue) I was born in the evening of Nov 28, 1986 (presently making me exactly 0978926851 seconds (or 31.169535 years) old) in Belgrade (Smederevo), Serbia. Not too surprisingly, my parents were humans as well :)

What I Do?

  • Spent most of my years as CTO here and there, various telecommunication companies and mobile operators being in charge / or to blame (most of the time) for technology planing and strategy. In my free time, i enjoy instrumental electric guitar music considering myself a Security Researcher and a hobbyist Musician. Others consider me a professional beer drinker most of the time.

Anything dirty?

  • My first real job was in high-school. I was selling sport bet tickets but fired shortly after discovery that i hacked the server to modify time and print-out wining ticket whenever i needed some cash. I bought my first Fender from that money. What a whiteness, hmm?

Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do.

Now I am good citizen. I also have pets, including but not limited to cat, wife and two sons and a huge fish tank where something disappears everyday. Cat being the main suspect, hence my desire for testimony work :)

If you would like to know more about me and my technology work, good starting points are:

My Twitter
My Website
(Grab some software, code, music, more code and publications but be aware of the shark)

If you want to buy me a beer or just ask something, let's get in touch :)
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