1,000+ Views a Day from Google to Steem: Witness Update #3!

1,000+ Views of Steem a Day from Google- Witness Update.jpg

Every day Google and YouTube search introduce 1000+ users to Steem through the posts I write on steemit.com and the videos I make at https://www.youtube.com/jerrybanfield. This is the primary value I add to Steem as a witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses which is in the form of Marketing / PR / Recruitment combined with many secondary support objectives including as about half of those listed in @timcliff's latest guide to being a good witness which I explained more about in my last witness update and my first witness update.

Would you join me in seeing how this works because any of us can adapt these strategies for bringing in thousands more readers in every day?

Case Studies!

  1. 20 days ago I made one post that has brought over 1,000 people a day from Google and related sharing on Facebook and Twitter by itself at @jerrybanfield/cryptocurrency-price-predictions-for-september-2017. As of today, this post has 21,661 views as seen in the screenshot above.
  2. A few months before, I did the same thing on another post that to date has over 33,000 views at @jerrybanfield/cryptocurrency-price-predictions-for-july-2017.
  3. To help more of our authors duplicate these results, I did a post explaining exactly how I did it which ANYONE CAN COPY going forward at @jerrybanfield/23-349-views-from-google-on-1-steem-post. Note that while the new version of the same post got 1,000 views a day, the old post still got about 500 more views a day also.
  4. While I titled this post 1,000+ a day, I estimate Google and YouTube collectively are introducing 3,000 to 10,000 readers and viewers a day to Steem every day when considering all combined organic traffic sources such as Google search, suggested videos, browse features, and the follow up sharing that comes when a reader shares a post on Facebook and Twitter originally found in Google search. The amount of followers I have is the tip of the iceberg compared to the total that have learned about Steem but have not signed up yet.
  5. Every post I make is shared on Facebook with 2+ million followers and Twitter with 100,000+ followers with videos being shared to 200,000+ subscribers on YouTube. This helps me a lot to rank higher in organic search which helps to get more followers which helps to rank even higher in organic search!
  6. Getting found in Google and YouTube is huge for growth because these results are free and being discovered tends to produce viral growth from the follow up word of mouth marketing. This is what originally sold me on investing in Steem and is likely to also sell a lot of future investors.
  7. I believe getting found in Google and YouTube search is the critical entry point that will draw a huge investor buying 10+ million in Steem within the next few months. This one investor alone will bring the price to $10+ and there will be little warning before it happens. This investor will hear about Steem from a trusted friend that has been following me online for years who originally found me in YouTube search. The friend will use a recent video or post to provide the perfect opportunity to pitch the investment with the self-interested motive of getting huge upvotes from the investor. The investor will be sold on the guaranteed traffic from Google, YouTube, and social media sharing combined with being the only cryptocurrency with true mass adoption potential where anyone with no investment can participate and make a meaningful contribution by posting or developing apps.
  8. Thank you for helping me make these contributions with thousands of dollars in funding for ads as show in the budget spreadsheet at https://airtable.com/shrXuoYTnODWA0QG1.


Here is how it works in pictures which show where people are finding the posts and videos I make which feature Steem! For you fellow marketing geeks, I did all of these in an incognito window to minimize bias.

cryptocurrency price predictions.jpg

bitcoin price prediction september 2017.jpg

monero price prediction september 2017.jpg

bitshares price prediction september 2017.jpg

cryptocurrency price predictions youtube.jpg

Bittrex trading tutorial.jpg

cryptocurrency exchange.jpg

bittrex trading tutorial Google.jpg

steem youtube search.jpg

steemit youtube search.jpg

#1 new social media website.jpg

#1 new blogging website.jpg

Witnesses = Growth

When we write new applications to interact with the Steem blockchain and upgrade our witness servers and discuss the best ways forward, are we acting on the assumption that all of these will contribute to growth? Do we get excited about new apps like DTube and DSound because they provide the opportunity to get mass adoption? Are we each hoping to get a return out of our investment here from a Steem price increase in the future? My answers are all yes. How about you?

The deeper we look into being a witness, the more clear it is that our assumption is that our witness votes are going towards maintaining and building Steem. Our witness votes are deciding the direction of our growth. To get the highest return on my own investment and that of every vote proxied to me, I am voting for witnesses that I see are working the most to grow Steem AND taking at least a little bit of time each month to communicate how that is happening.

If I did not take the time in this post to show the behind the scenes work I am doing by getting Steem found everywhere in organic search which is the #1 place to get discovered, one easily could think that it is all just self-promotion without any significant contribution to the whole. I accept responsibility for this confusion and hope to have cleared it up with this post. I am not a saint and I have made plenty of mistakes in my first 115 days here. So has everyone else. The question is what have we contributed?

I hope this post has made the #1 contribution I make as a witness clear to the 843 total accounts already kind enough to be voting for me as seen at https://steemdb.com/@jerrybanfield/witness along with the about 100 users trusting me enough to set me as a proxy as seen at https://steemdb.com/@jerrybanfield/proxied and to the remaining 353,000 or so users that might be kind enough to make a witness vote for me in the future!

Would you please vote for jerrybanfield as a witness today at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because of what we just read in this post together?

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness


Set JerryBanfield proxy

Jerry Banfield

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