KLYE Witness Update 2017 / 06 / 17

Hail my fellow STEEM network inhabitants, readers, content creators and witnesses. Hope all is well in your life and land on this fine saturday evening / sunday morning!

Every week (normally on Friday, a bit behind schedule today!) I try and write a small witness post to keep my fellow STEEM users up to date on what I am currently working on in regards to the projects / coding for the community. This week was almost entirely dedicated to @tippy coding and that project is coming along nicely! Also begun to switch my STEEM server software from version 18 to version 19 in preparation of the hardfork next week!

This Week as STEEM Witness

Tippy Starting to Get Near Completion

While taking me far longer than I'd initially planned pretty pumped to announce that this @Tippy project is starting to come together nicely. Only a few more features left to implement and some testing to be done and the service should see a proper launch. The aim is to have @Tippy going by the end of the month but testing to ensure the service is stable/functioning as intended may push this back. Ensuring the script work flawlessly is the determining factor in launching this service. I'll be writing a manual and posting it on the @Tippy account in the next few days.

Started Upgrading My Servers to 0.19.0

With hardfork 19 just around the corner I've started updating my server / witness software to version 19. Very excited to see how the changes to the software will effect how people vote and how it's accepted within the community. Need to go check on STEEM.GLOBAL and my backup server here shortly. If they are working alright I'll be switching my main witness server over in the next day.


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