@Anyx - Meet The Witnesses #7, Remastered

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#7 - @Anyx

Anyx is the owner and operator of the venerable @cheetah, a plagiarism-stalking predator that we have all come across (hopefully not on our own posts.) Cheetah has saved me, personally, substantial time in googling plagiarized content for authenticity, so for that I say thank you, Anyx and Cheetah.

If, like yours truly, you are prone to attempting to curate in the “New” section, you will probably be seeing Cheetah a lot. Cheetah is a bot that uses an algorithm to detect content copied from the internet, whether it is quoted in part or in whole. Over time, Cheetah has been refined to trigger less false positives, and the language has gradually been adjusted to make Cheetah’s message more productive and less confrontational.

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Note that Cheetah is NOT a flagging bot; in fact, it applies token upvotes to posts that it tags.

Fun fact about @cheetah: according to Anyx, it’s proprietary AI is actually quite expensive to run on a recurring basis! It wouldn’t hurt to give Cheetah the occasional upvote when you see it. After all, cheetahs are a protected species.

In a “revelation” that will produce few gasps, Anyx is also heavily involved in the SteemCleaners initiative. Steemcleaners works relentlessly to clean up all forms of abuse on the Steemit platform, such as spam (both standard and tag varieties), plagiarism, and post-stealing/identity theft. It’s a huge and mostly thankless job, so toss Steemcleaners a vote whenever you can.

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Logo credit to @cass

When Anyx has time, he primarily posts about travel and photography. His Chicago series has been particularly popular. My personal favorite was the Lincoln Park Zoo post, and I am also a fan of his avatar, the phoenix.

Anyx is a Peerplays Witness.

Anyx is holding 27,000 SP and is currently powering down.

Anyx's Current Witness Update: @anyx/anyx-cheetah-and-steemcleaners-witness-update-2017-09-18

Anyx’s Previous Witness + Cheetah Update Thread: @anyx/anyx-cheetah-and-steemcleaners-witness-update-2017-06-14

Anyx’s Original Witness Thread: @anyx/witness-application-anyx

Anyx’s Zoo Post: @anyx/chicago-part-6-lincoln-park-zoo-continued

Original Steemcleaners Post: @steemcleaners/announcing-steemcleaners-the-steemit-abuse-fighting-team

Please see the acknowledgement post here.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Sources: Anyx's Blog, Cheetah's Blog
Copyright: Anyx's Blog, Cheetah's Blog, @cass

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