@Drakos - Meet The Witnesses #31


#27 - @Drakos

Front-runner for Lexiconical's "movin' on up" award, Drakos is a “PhD scientist with a background in Biochemistry and Immunology,” that is rapidly moving towards the "East Side" of the witness rankings. He convincingly claims a lifelong fascination with both computers and computer programming. You will really believe the lifelong part when you see his pride and joy:


If Indiana Jones ever came across this fine “artifact”, he would wryly state that it belonged in a museum, but don’t tell Drakos that. He doesn’t realize how space age it makes my 1980 Amdek I used to play (Net)Hack on look. Heck, mine even had the dual-floppy drive upgrade!


In a cruel twist of irony, I must report the source on this is the “National Museum of American History - Smithsonian Institution”

Drakos is a fixture in the witness channel over at Steemit.chat, where he can frequently be found answering technical questions for the other weirdos who think a kernel is something other than what popcorn starts out as. Seriously, he’s there a LOT. He is an excellent source for assistance if you are having any witness-related technical issues on Steemit, or questions about the topic in general.

Drakos is also the creator of a number of tools hosted at Steemian.info, “the concise information resource about the Steem blockchain.” In particular, his Witness ranking tool at https://steemian.info/witnesses is handy, since it shows vastly more information than the Steemit witness interface, including active and inactive witnesses, missed blocks, and what “policies” each witness supports for registration fees, APR, etc.


I knew that scalawag was up to no good.

I wish Drakos had been kind enough to climb the rankings sooner, which would have forced me to research this tool earlier. It would have come in useful as a much easier way to identify dead witnesses than my previous methods. shakes fist at @Arhag

Drakos is also a supporter, delegator, witness and early member of the MinnowSupportProject. He can usually be found lurking in the MSP Discord channel. I encourage you to forward all your praise for JerryBanfield to his direct message inbox.


See? He’ll totally appreciate it. This is so not sarcasm.

Drakos posts high-quality articles frequently on a variety of topics, however he does tend to focus more on Steemit (including abuse) and witness related issues than puppies.


OK, I lied. It is also puppies.

Oh, he’s also a pirate and gets bonus points from me for his attempt to use the term “wench” in a historically appropriate, satirical context in his "Drakos Art Contest". Like any pirate, he’s not afraid to call things as he sees them, so feel free to solicit his opinion via the comments in pirate-speak…..yar.

Drakos holds 3800 SP and is NOT powering down. He also holds a super-sweet animated .gif avatar which Sotheby's is still attempting to price accurately:


You're staring at his crotch now, aren't you? Admit it, the glow is enticing.

Drakos’ Current Witness Update: @drakos/drakos-witness-update-2017-10-15

Drakos’ Original Witness Thread: @drakos/my-witness-application

Witness Rankings Tool: @drakos/rethinking-the-witness-ranking

Steemian.info: https://steemian.info/

Art Contest: @drakos/drakos-art-contest-pirate-wench-theme-submissions-phase

Please see the acknowledgement post here.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Almost 80% of Steemians do not vote! If you wish to make me your witness voting proxy, I will attempt to vote in Steem's best interest based on the information in my witness reports. You may set me as your proxy by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the Witness Voting page. Proxies are instantly revokable at any time.


Sources: @drakos
Copyright: @drakos, Smithsonian

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