Accidental witness @liberosist

Yesterday, I noticed the #witness-blocks channel on posted this message.

Very odd, I thought, considering I have never been a witness. Sure, I've mucked around with mining before, but I never expected to be scheduled for producing a block. In the past, a few people have mistaken me for a witness, and I've had to go out of my way to clarify that I'm not. It appears that people still vote for me, under the mistaken assumption that I'm indeed a witness.

I'm not going to fight it anymore, and have gone ahead and set up a witness node.

I don't have any groundbreaking witness initiatives to announce, or humblebrag about my credentials. Neither do I have any grand philanthropic plans for my witness rewards. I'll use all rewards to provide compute infrastructure for the Steem network in various ways, depending on the level of rewards of course. If I'm left over with any, I'll buy some good coffee.

I don't plan to campaign for votes. It's a time consuming process, I'd rather use that time contributing to Steem socially. This will likely be the first and the last time I'll ever ask for votes.

Yeah, this is certainly the worst witness application in Steem's history! I'm definitely not making a good case for receiving your vote. :)

All I'll say is I'm in it for the long haul, I have always been actively contributing to the network with unwavering motivation through the highs and the lows, and I'll continue working at it quietly, behind the scenes.

Important disclaimer - I have been managing the technical side of @curie's witness for the last 11 months, and will continue to do so. Do note that major witness decisions are often taken after discussions with top curators and operators at Curie. All witness rewards (or indeed, any rewards) earned by @curie are paid back in full to curators, reviewers and operators. My decisions will be completely independent of @curie's. If ever I feel a conflict of interest or otherwise inability to manage effectively, I'll pass on responsibilities for the @curie witness to my colleagues at Curie.

You can vote on the Vote for Witnesses page. Scroll down, enter "liberosist" and hit Vote. Cheers!

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