The Witness Voting Engagement Report - 2017-09-13

How Engaged Are Steemit Users in Voting for Witnesses?

That's what this weekly report is all about.

This week's engagement rate for accounts with 100,000 VESTS or more is:


That's up 2.7% from last week, with a 3.5% increase in new users.

If you're not sure what a witness vote is, or why it's important, please see my older post Steemit is Free, But Your Witness Vote Determines its Future.

This report uses @arcange's STEEMSQL.

MV stands for Million VESTS.

VESTS are like vested shares in Steemit and relate to Steem by a ratio (485.29 Steem per MV as of this report).

VESTS impact the weight of your vote on posts and the influence of your vote for Steemit Witnesses.

Here's how I'm filtering the data:

  1. All Accounts: No filter applied, includes all accounts.
  2. > 100,000: Accounts with 100,000 or more VESTS.
  3. > 0 Posts: Accounts which have posted at least once.
  4. > 100k & > 0 Posts: Accounts with 100,000 or more VESTS who have also posted at least once.
  5. Active: Accounts which have voted, commented, and posted a root post in the last 30 days.

The percentage values in parentheses show the change since last week's report.


This shows the total number of accounts and VESTS (excluding steemit related accounts).

FilterAccounts% AccountsVESTS% VESTS
All Accounts363,703 (3.5%)100%184,852 (-0.5%)100%
> 100,000 VESTS26,118 (1.3%)7.18% (-2.2%)180,379 (-0.6%)97.58% (0%)
> 0 Posts148,994 (3.6%)40.97% (0.1%)127,924 (0.8%)69.2% (-0.3%)
> 100k & > 0 Posts17,544 (1.7%)4.82% (-1.8%)126,233 (-0.9%)68.29% (-0.3%)
Active40,253 (-0.3%)11.07% (-3.7%)56,185 (-7.7%)31.15% (-6.7%)


This shows the total number of accounts and VESTS which have voted for a witness or set a proxy.

FilterAccounts% AccountsVESTS% VESTS
All Accounts14,479 (3.9%)3.98% (3.9%)132,517 (-0.9%)71.69% (-0.8%)
> 100,000 VESTS5,713 (2.7%)21.87% (2.7%)132,330 (-0.9%)73.36% (-0.9%)
> 0 Posts10,830 (5%)7.27% (4.9%)98,190 (-1.1%)76.76% (1.1%)
> 100k & > 0 Posts5,001 (3.1%)28.51% (3.1%)98,064 (-1.1%)77.69% (-1.1%)
Active6,244 (2.9%)15.51% (2.9%)45,778 (-7.4%)81.48% (-7.4%)

Voting For Inactive Witnesses

This shows the number of accounts which are currently voting for witness accounts in the top 100 there not currently active witnesses. This number should be 0.

FilterAccounts% AccountsVESTS% VESTS
All Accounts2,463 (10.6%)17.01% (10.7%)37,697 (-1.8%)28.45% (-1.8%)
> 100,000 VESTS1,093 (8.6%)19.13% (8.6%)37,667 (-1.8%)28.46% (-1.8%)
> 0 Posts2,313 (10.5%)21.36% (10.4%)36,921 (-1.8%)37.6% (-1.8%)
> 100k & > 0 Posts1,052 (8.6%)21.04% (8.6%)36,894 (-1.8%)37.62% (-1.8%)
Active1,167 (6.5%)18.69% (6.5%)12,075 (9%)26.38% (9%)

If you're voting for any of these inactive witness accounts, you should remove your vote unless you know they are only temporarily inactive:


Updated: moisesmcardona is back online.

Here are the top 50 accounts by VESTS (excluding 24 accounts which I've been told are Steemit employee or contractor accounts) which are not currently voting for a Steemit Witness:

ranchorelaxo2,674 MV
recursive838 MV
alvaro696 MV
livingfree585 MV
azeroth560 MV
creator477 MV
another414 MV
done402 MV
eeqj393 MV
systema361 MV
kidrock354 MV
tyler333 MV
hiva309 MV
fenghuang291 MV
newhope289 MV
node1278 MV
virus707276 MV
damarth274 MV
figaro260 MV
sigizzang258 MV
ripperone248 MV
bramd242 MV
czechglobalhosts239 MV
bitcointalker234 MV
moderator233 MV
moses153230 MV
otisbrown226 MV
temet-nosce222 MV
natsu220 MV
ctrl-alt-nwo218 MV
modprobe217 MV
famunger211 MV
alexis555204 MV
node2202 MV
cornucopia199 MV
tim196 MV
biggest189 MV
bayrene188 MV
wans186 MV
eclipse184 MV
layz3r182 MV
faddy181 MV
ryanwdaviessteem179 MV
cylonmaker2053178 MV
mangos176 MV
ramires158 MV
star153 MV
urbanoid146 MV
solaris144 MV
starky132 MV

These top 50 have 16,242 MV which could be applied to witness votes.

If you know people on this list, maybe encourage them to set a proxy voter or ask them why they aren't voting right now. Those like myself who are working to move up the witness ranks would sure appreciate their support.

Have You Voted for a Witness?

If you haven't voted yet, please consider setting @lukestokes as your proxy voter. Otherwise, go vote for some Steemit Witnesses you've interacted with and respect to do what's in the best interest of the network. I hope that includes my witness, @lukestokes.mhth. If you're not sure who to vote for, take a look at some witnesses you respect and see who they are voting for via their account on or

Again, if you're not sure what a witness vote is, or why it's important, please see my older post Steemit is Free, But Your Witness Vote Determines its Future.

Thank you! I hope you found this useful.

Previous Reports:

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth

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