State of the Witness #6 - 0.19.2 Released, Server Updated, Preparing to Hit the Road


Steemd 0.19.2 has been released and should improve stability of the p2p network

Source Code

I have already cloned the repository, built the new software, and enabled it on my Witness. This change has been verified as I have already Witnessed a block on 0.19.2.

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Preparing to Hit the Road

A couple weeks ago I bought a fifth wheel trailer. I will be traveling cross-country programming and working on STEEM projects. As the days move along I inch closer and closer to departure! Keep your eyes on my blog for updates and pictures along the road! Maybe I will even record some videos as Shadow and I explore the great outdoors.

Vote for @netuoso as Witness

  • Go to
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • Type netuoso into the box and hit Submit
  • Give yourself a highfive for making such an awesome decision

PS: I am the first Witness to go live with 0.19.2 ;)

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