@ rival 1st week Witness Update - Thank you all for making this happen.

Yes, I produced my first 7 blocks in my first week. I am very happy about it and I want to thank you all for your help and making this possible.


my 7 Blocks

I always want to be as transparent as possible, Is this making me rich.

No way I decided to be a witness to be my next phase in steemit. Server costs are $50 a months so the coming months this will not make money.


I am happy to be part of it.

I started Steemit almost 4 months ago. I really loved it from day 1. You can read my story here.

Why a witness

Being a witness is a logical next step. A witness can help the total network and as I love the platform I would also make my contribution to it.

My server

Do you really want to know...? I had some frustrations the last week. Selected a wrong VPS couldn't install it and had to invest in another one. see my blogs about is

But now I have a very good one. The company is responsive, quick and everything was arranged within 30 minutes after buying.

About me

I am 42 years old. Living together for 15 years with my wonderful girlfriend and have 2 kids a daughter (12 years) and a boy (10 years). We also have our own house bird “Nemo” . I live in a small village in the Netherlands.

Last 2 years I work as a Functional IT specialist were I “try” to implement improved business processes which help a company grow. These processes are the golden eggs of a company. Before I was more technical IT, but this will slowly die because in a few years all technical platforms will be just factories in big datacenters. You can make the difference in business processes!!



My dream

As you can read everywhere in my posts I want to go the the USA in year 2019 with my family for a once in a lifetime holiday.

What did I do in 4 months I am on steemit?

First of all, blogging and commenting like everyone does. But I think I can say I am dedicated to it and love to give some proper comments..


I also tried to make some initiatives but it's really hard to get noticed as minnow. I really did my best. So I hope that being a witness also makes my initiatives more known.
just an example:

Idea of a Worldwide Steemit day:


And ( don't tell it to anybody else) I am the STEEM POWER RANGER


First of all I want to thank the whole Steemit community who makes this all possible.

Thank you for reading.

Vote for @rival

Just open: "Vote for witnesses"
In the bottom type in: rival and select vote.

All small letters and without the @ sign

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