Witness server faulty fan - Explanation first missed blocks from @rival

As I want to be always open and transparent I want to explain what happened.

Last night when I was a sleep I missed my first blocks. I didn't have a monitor running. ( more to that later)
In the morning at 7:30 I saw that my server was not responding. I couldn't connect.
OMG so after more then 1 month without an issue I had to contact via email my provider. So I put in a ticket at 7:55 AM.

I was very happy with my provider. They were 100% dedicated since I made my first question. So now I was depending on them. After 10 minutes 8:05 I had the standard reply that they are working on it. As I know how this works I was not convinced yet..

At 8:48 I received the email, that there was a faulty fan in the server and that it was already replaced in the datacenter.
At 8:50 I could reach my server again.

So I am very happy about my provider. They solved the issue inclusing a replacement in the datacenter within 1 hour. This is exceptional. So a big thump up for SERVER4you.net.


Part 2 starting up again.

Yes I am new to Linux and open to learn things myself. I had to face a situation I didn't have before.

So I opened up again the document form @someguy123


First step is checking logs. This didn't look ok. So I scrolled through the document and decided to start the witness with a replay.
./run.sh replay
Then checking logs again with : ./run.sh logs
Now it was waiting for it to finish.

At 10:20 my witness was up to date again.

So there goes my 0 blocks.. But another great lesson!!


I will start creating a monitoring system to alert me sooner when the server is not reachable. This will help me to react faster.

I will look into the kill switch option

But then you need to have a second server and run it. If you run it on your main server and that goes down it cannot do anything. ( correct me if a am wrong?)

Backup server. I will start to investigate a backup witness.

Yes it's another investment but it depends also on your ranking if you want to have it or not.

I think it is more important to have a kill switch to make sure you are out of regulation then to keep producing blocks if you are not in the top 30.

I hope to have informed you correctly. I learned my lessons and keep serving you better and better.

and I am proud that I solved this all by myself.

suggestions or idea's are welcome as I am always open to learn.

THX, Ron

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