Witness roadscape

Hi all! I'd appreciate your vote for witness roadscape -- I'm a BitShares witness, a delegate prior to that, and I built cryptofresh.com. The BitShares blockchain has tremendous technical depth and for months I've worked with it (mostly thru API), exploring, sharing findings, and providing basic APIs. I plan to do something similar with steemd.com, as Steem runs on the same underlying toolkit.

Steem combines several personal interests. For instance, you can see where I had started creating a social network on top of BitShares: cryptofresh.com/posts. It may not look like much but it's the tip of the iceberg of possibilities I had mapped out. So reading the Steem whitepaper, I saw familiar ideas.. taken to a new level, on a dedicated chain. I'm happy to see such a capable team working on these problems, and I'm very much looking forward to being involved!

Seed node: seed.steemd.com:34191 (

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