Silversteem - Witness

Hi Everyone!

My name is Kyle (silversteem) and I have set up a witness node that is located in Miami, Florida that includes automatic backups, DDOS protection and the scalability to ensure the growing demands of the STEEM network are met. I consider myself lucky to have come across this project and vested accordingly when I found out. I first became involved in Crypto in mid-2014 when day trading and since then it has consumed me and has become my #1 passion. I see STEEM disrupting content curation and through the power of community, great things will happen. I am here to stay and support the STEEM network.

During the day I work for a leading SaaS technology company where I manage development and marketing strategy for mobile iOS applications as well as the international expansion of our commerce division. This requires me to have an intimate knowledge of development, QA, sprint schedules and product launches.

I currently mine about 360 MH/s X11 out of my garage and within a couple weeks will be over 1 GH/s, that is until my wife says I need to use a colocation ; )

My Witness Votes

, Steemed
, Kushed
, steemychicken1
, and smooth.witness

Account: silversteem

Seed URL:

To vote in support of my witness, please use the following command:

vote_for_witness youraccount silversteem true true

Thank you for your support!

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