SirCork Witness Report: Time for some 'splainin'...

Hey Again, Steemitizens,

Let's get down to brass tacks and talk, more or less in a meandering path through the last few weeks of my life as a Steem Block Chain Witness.

OK, long story made short...

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. It's a long story.

So where do I begin? I begin with the biggest impacts and work my way down.

I moved. From a 17 acres off grid, no utilities working farm homestead with livestock, to an extended stay hotel in a city, for my company's sake, of which I am an equity holder and co-founder. I am between permanent housing while I learn my way around this area, 400 miles from my former tiny cabin and farm.

During that time, I also launched my new project @YouAreHOPE.

YouAreHOPE Foundation is the first worldwide humanitarian aid focused organization that runs exclusively on transparent steem and steem backed dollars, while empowering Agents of HOPE in economically distressed locales, our fellow steemitizens, to do good acts for the most impoverished people of Earth. All powered by the loving generosity of the steem block chain community. Learn more on our account at @YouAreHOPE or join our discord at

I also built and tested, and have ready to go, a new 24/7 broadcasting audio/video streaming network for steem

I am about to rebrand the formerly YouAreHOPE "radio" station into it's own stand alone entity, which will then become a primary Official Sponsor of YouAreHOPE. There are many reasons for this, which are primarily about increased content flexibility on the radio, mitigation of any potential conflicts of interest, legal protection should the public streams encounter some kind of issue, etc.

I upgraded my server to 32 gigs and 8 cores, from a former 16 gigs and 6 cores

I also missed two blocks during the process because I forgot to disable my witness during the lengthy multi hour back up ,system image, block chain replay and of course, the quick upgrade process itself.

I had a perfect score. I blew it. I was one of maybe 25 witnesses or so that had zero blocks missed out of nearly 1500 known witness nodes running, or so I've heard.

And I let you down. It will never happen again on my servers. I promise you. I will stay way ahead of the expectations from now on, as time goes on.

I made some witness vote changes for myself and the 15 people or so that choose to proxy through my vote choices

I'm often faced with tough decisions. I trusted my 30 vote selections for quite some time, but then I would encounter things like new witnesses arriving, such as @ats-david, and I just feel compelled to vote for them, for my various reasons such as their contributions to the community or their stances on popular issues. It IS a political race to the top when you enter the witness arena after all. And it could be better, but I'm not here to offer a "how", only to feel in my gut that the selection process could be more equalized on meritocracy, versus the current aristocracy. One man's two cents.

I am in 22 discords, and a moderator in something like half a dozen.

And there's that. I am clearly so dedicated to STEEM and the incredibly vibrant and loving community I live in here, that, welp, yep, I live in here.

So vote for me for witness, already. What's keeping ya?

Oh, that stupid PAL / MSP controversy? Meh. I'm over it. Their people poke the bear now and then, and so do I, but that's about what you'd expect in a social media environment, where keyboard wars and mouse wielding warriors find their battlegrounds and enter the fray. We ain't bad people, we're just a little... over tired


You know what? Fuck it. @Aggroed. Let's call a truce. It's on me to apologize for allowing my broken heart to destroy a vision. Merry Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving. Call it Cain and Abel. Call it bullshit between brothers. Call it off. It's your call.

I hated to love you, and I loved to hate you. Something's gotta change there, because the acid is only eating me up.

Same goes for you @crimsonclad. I love you. Let's find our way to ... somewhere we can co-exist better than this.

@netuoso you are still a dork, but I still win being the Ladies man in SteemDevs

Now, back to our regular programming.

Opinions on recent events

Flag Wars: You guys, cut it out, y'all are just being assholes.
Reward Pool Drain: You guys, cut it out, y'all are just being assholes.
Spam/Trolling: You guys, cut it out, y'all are just being assholes.

Sensing a theme here?

You guys, cut it out, y'all are just being assholes.

Now play nice.

I work hard at it every day. I mess up. I keep going.

You can do it too.

You are hope.

Which reminds me.

Be sure to visit the YouAreHOPE Discord to lend your encouragement, support, and maybe even some help to YouAreHOPE Agents of HOPE, out there getting good done on this big old dirty and wet bumpy rock we call home, our planet Earth, for our fellow humans.

See ya there!

Yours in service,
Founder: @YouAreHOPE
Steem Witness

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