@skenan Witness Application-Let's bring more Chinese people to Steemit / @skenan 见证人申请书

This is skenan. I have been running a witness node for one week. Today I am going to submit my witness application proposal here.

About Me

I am 25 years old, working as a software engineer in U.S right now. I got my bachelor degree in Software Engineer from China, master degree in Computer Science from U.S. The long time of programming has gave me much experience in Java, Python and JavaScript.

Now I am much interested in the blockchain technology and have put a lot of time on it.

  1. I am the first to publish EOS build Guid on Mac OS in steemit community
  2. I am contributor for Bitshares-UI and fixed several bugs.

Current Goal

Now I am focusing on steemit, especially for steemit in China. The fact I have realized is that compared to the 800 million Chinese internet users, there are only about 500 daily actives in steemit. What a huge potential to attract more Chinese users to steemit, to the blockchain!

My Thoughts

Localization is always a pain for any international community. Some is because of cultural, some is technical.

Yoyow and Golos have split from steem and created their side chains. They are using their way to build a local community.

However, in my option, steem is a public chain which has no country boundary and more like a country built on internet.

My Action

So I chose to create https://cnsteem.com to help with the localization. Cnsteem is a clone of steemit UI, sharing the same blockchain with Steemit. I am doing some basic changes to make it easy for Chinese people onboarding.

What I have done so far:

  1. Set up a UI server residing in HongKong, which can speed up the access for Chinese.
  2. Write a program to translate steemit UI from English into Chinese.
  3. Support the Chinese tags in cnsteem . Example: https://cnsteem.com/trending/编程. I am going to create a pull request for steemit official UI. In this way, more people can use the tags in their language.

Also, cnsteem is open sourced, anyone can create issue or submit pull request. And It will sync the fork with official UI code every day.

What’s Next

I have the following to-do lists for cnsteem:

  1. Test and enable the sign up. Or integrate with other paid register service, ex: anon.steem.network
  2. Change to a different image proxy, which is not blocked by GFW
  3. Set up a full steem node used by cnsteem


Get your Vote.

Right now I am running a secure, stable witness node in U.S. Will add a new steem full node in China.

So if you support my work to bring more people into Steemit. Please upvote for me.

Just go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses, scroll to the bottom, put skenan and click vote.





少说多做~ 我会及时用中文更新开发进度,~同时你可以去 https://steemit.com/~witnesses 去vote skenan 支持我一下~

最后特别感谢已经支持我的人~ 我会不断完善 https://cnsteem.com

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