STEEM HardFork 19 due 2017-06-20 (6 days from now)

In 6 days, we'll be locking in HF19. One of the many roles of a witness is to decide whether a hard fork is good or bad. I personally don't see any issues with HF19, and will be updating at least 24 hours before.

The biggest change users will notice, is the Linear Rewards Curve. This makes votes more "fair". Read more here

What's new?

Updating to HF19

As far as I'm aware, there are no breaking technical changes for node operators. Steem-in-a-box currently has a HF19 RC available (must manually install via docker), and I will publish a new dockerhub release when HF19 is finalized.

If you're running Steem-in-a-box and would like to try out HF19 prior to release (may be unstable!):

docker pull someguy123/steem:v0.19.0rc2

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