tobiasrieper Witness Node Announcement and pointers for setting up the node

Hi everybody,

This is tobiasrieper, I'm a computer hardware, crypto currency, blockchain and mining enthusiast. Also as you can understand from my nickname, I like video games and I'm a huge fan of Hitman series.

I have a strong background in programming, computer architecture and Unix systems. I understand very well the hardware, system, application software stack and I believe that I have all the necessary background to run a reliable witness node.

I hope that running a steemit witness node will earn me a few extra bucks per month. As return to the community for trusting me as a witness, I will be sharing my experiences on running a witness node, as well my experience with mining other coins. I hope that this way I will help people that want to be involved in mining crypto currencies.

Please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page; or just click on the upvote button if I am in the top 50:


So after spending some time with setting up my witness node, I'm ready to share with you my experience.

First of all here are my server specs and from where I got it.

i7-6700 up to 4GHz Quad-Core (8 logical cores with Hyperthreading)
Hard Drive: 2 x 500 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD (Software-RAID 1)
OS: Ubuntu 16.04

Basically I'm renting a dedicated server from hetzner for 46.41 euros per month.

The specs are more than enough for running a witness node. I would say that these specs are quite future proof. I find 32GB of RAM more than enough as currently the steemd on my server is consuming just above 10GB.

I would have written my own guide for witness node setup but I feel that it would be redundant as you can just follow @someguy123/your-guide-to-setting-up-a-witness-server-steem-in-a-box-hf19 from @someguy123.

I find this guide excellent and if you follow the steps, you should have a working node in 3-4 hours (downloading and syncing blockchain takes some time). Note that this guide is for running steemd inside a docker, which is perfectly fine. For price feed update again you can use this guide @someguy123/steemfeed-js-a-nodejs-price-feed-for-witneses again from @someguy123.

There are also other great guides like @bitcalm/how-to-become-a-witness from @bitcalm and @klye/the-complete-noob-guide-to-steem-witness-setup from @klye. These guides are for a non docker setup. I have followed those guides but unfortunately I did not manage to successfully set up the witness node. I ended up having issues like segmentation fault, steemd consuming all 32GB of RAM, tons of errors during blockchain sync.. So I recommend you follow this guide @someguy123/your-guide-to-setting-up-a-witness-server-steem-in-a-box-hf19. This is also a more recent guide compared to the others and it is really noob proof.

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