Witness Update #5 - Minnow Support Saturday & Thoughts About Witnessing

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I changed the front page on Steemschool.net and removed the "Branding Thumbnails" page from the top navigation and replaced it with "Minnow Support Saturday".

You can still access the "Branding Templates" page on the front page.

On the Minnow Support Saturday page, I have written an explanation of what the MSS is, the rules and requirements to participate in the contest. Furthermore, I have also added a list of all the winners so far (new ones will, of course, be added).

I have also implemented a link to the winners Steemit blog page so that every visitor can see what the winners are writing about and how they write.

The Screenshots below are cut off on the sides to fit the 800px width of Steemit. To see the changes without cut of sides just take a look at www.SteemSchool.net.



Top MSS.jpg

Bottom MSS.jpg

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Thoughts About Steemit Witnessing

The game is fucked up. Without whale votes, you get nowhere, and if you ask them they will ignore you or put you on your shitlist because you ain't in their league.

After speaking with many witnesses and investors in the Steemit witness chat and on Discord I am now 100% sure they do not care about the community.

They "invest" (delegate) to bots to make passive money from them so that Bernie cannot downvote them.

I also have 2 screenshots where 2 top witnesses directly say that they do not give a shit about Steemit.

Steemit Kids 1.jpg

Steemit Kids 2.jpg

Besides that, I see hard working witnesses like @SirCork who is busting is fucking ass off and basically working 24/7 on Steemit to improve it that are stuck on rank 60 or something.

But that is not everything, there were multiple solutions presented by witnesses to fix the witness game but the top 20 witnesses & whales do simple not react to that.

I have also heard that some Steemit devs are in the top 20 witnesses, that means they have a personal interest in what gets changed.

That makes sense considering that there were no real changes on Steemit since I am here (6months). Any drastic change and their income will drop, of course, they prevent that (I wouldn't do that).

They are inactive saying they work "Behind the scenes". I cannot deny that but I can also not confirm that.

The witness game is corrupt, childish & I don't like it.

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SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

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My ultimate goal as a Steemit Witness is to improve the quality of the content here on Steemit and to maintain the Steem blockchain.

If you value what I do I would be happy if you would vote for me at the bottom of the Witness voting page. Simply scroll down, enter "valorforfreedom" click on vote and that's it. If I am in the top 50 you can also just vote for me there.

You can also vote for me by clicking on the picture below with my account name in it. Afterwards you simply have to log in with Steemconnect and I will receive your vote.

V9 Separator (No Logo).png

SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

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