Vote Interest Pool - Witness Application

VIP Is Runnig For Witness!

Yes that's right, VIP is coming back and as a witness. VIP will still be distributing liquids from post rewards(more info on later post). This particular witness post will not. Funds from witness posts will be to help maintain the cost running this witness server.

After spending sometime in the Steemit community, Most of you know I was a bit discouraged at the road things were headed. Thanks to the help of fellow steemians and witnesses, it has encouraged me to run a witness node and continue to help the platform grow.

Image source

Witness server:

  • Google VPS
  • 8 Core CPU
  • 52 GB RAM
  • 100 GB HD

Updated to latest version 0.16.0

Seed node:

VIP's goal is not to become apart of the top 19 witnesses, but it would be nice.
I am continuing to learn what is takes to be a witness as it is a huge responsibility and do my best to be a great witness.

Special Thanks:

Thank you to the witnesses that have helped setup this witness node. Even when I was making rookie mistakes you had patience with me.

You can find me in Steemspeak or join the #vip-trail on Discord.

Please give a vote for VIP witness .

Thank you,

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