Transparency Wins: Witness Insight Project

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I introduced Witness Insight days ago with the bare prototype (Link). Thanks for the advices and criticisms as well as the detail feedback and also the brilliant ideas. Due to the concerns around the tool, I worked on project really hard to vanish the worries asap, and today I proudly reveal the first usable version of Witness Insight.


Direct: (without @)


Witnesses are the core of DPOS. They must be right and just, and should not be afraid of any criticism they might encounter during their service. They rather must proactively try to open up a communication channel with the public and explain what is the truth. If a witness sees his fault or any fault of their fellow witnesses, they must take an action immediately. Social cohesion can never affect their judgement.

Steemians and investors should monitor the witnesses's activities and must not hesitate to raise questions if anything is unclear.

Unfortunately there is not a straight forward process to archive this way of communication between the witnesses and the other Steemians, or at least each person needs to do some research to figure out what and how to do.

This tool started from there, and designed and implemented to help the three most important user groups in Steem community.

Steeminas with ownership

As many Steemians, especially those who have strong ownership, have been complaining about the lack of information when they want to make a good witness vote, we have to improve the transparency by opening up more visual and numeric metrics, as well as the activities and projects the witness are spending their time and efforts on.


Witnesses will be able to self monitor themselves through this tool, and avoid continuing something that is not beneficial for the Steem community.

Backup witnesses

Get noticed by the other Steemians and the top witnesses, and have more chance to get more support for their witness activities.

Main Page

The main page is just a simple table with limited information about the witnesses. Witnesses in 10th rank are included here in purpose.

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Disabled witnesses are shown as a red row.

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Here is the fun part. You see a small warning trangle next to your witness vote cast count. This icon means that one or more witnesses who are receiving your witness vote are disabled. The witness might be temporary or permanently disabled. The voter should figure out what is going on and take the chance to reorganise their witness votes. If you put your mouse cursor over the icon, you will see a popup explaining what that means.

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In order to find out who is disabled, you need to open the witness report page. How? Next to the witness account name, there is a magnifier icon for browsing the detail report of the witness.

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Witness Report

I will click the icon of @roelandp for the demo as his profile image looks quite fancy. A modal is open and the URL changes to be more dedicated URI. You can visit or share this witness report by sharing this link.

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Witness Report shows the account profile and the simple witness status. Still there are a lot of work to do to complete the alarming features, but it is already functioning perfectly and actually looking not too bad.

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If the witness account does not have the profile, users will see this message block. I personally think the account profile should be setup for every witness so that they can be recognised better.
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Of course the profile is definitely not the most important, so the next section is "Witness Update" and "Projects / Activities". This parts are still not implemented yet. However these informations are critical for the Steemians who want to make their best witness voting. Therefore I will add these features in the next version. Although these are not implemented, I didn't remove the placeholders to respect the importance of them.

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Chart, Chart, Chart!

Here are other fun parts. Charts that show the voting trend of the witness.

Inter-Witness Voting Trend

This simple three doughnut charts are quite intuitive.

  1. How many witness votes of this witness were cast to the top 20 witnesses and the proportion (left)
  2. How many witness votes this witness is receiving from the top 20 witnesses and the proportion (middle)
  3. The proportion of MVests from the other witnesses. (right)

These three charts tells so many things but I will leave the interpretation of these charts to you for now.

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Witness voting distribution

There are two more charts that visualise the distribution of the witness votes. Also, this bar chats tell you which witness is disabled.

The first one shows the distribution of the witness's witness votes. Higher ranker is on the left while the lower ranker (up to 100th) is on the right. You might have already noticed that the colors in the report are well organised.

  • Blue: top 20 witness
  • Grey: backup witnesses or just others
  • Red: Disabled witness

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The second bar chart is the same apart from that it is about received votes from the other witnesses.

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This tool is designed to help the three most important user groups in Steem community, that are witnesses, backup witnesses and the Steeminas with ownership. There is still a long long way to go, but I will try my best to make it as useful as possible in every release.

Needless to say, the investors will get definitely benefit from the better performing Steem community. So please use this tool, give me any feedback, ideas, questions, objections and also criticisms. I will work backward from there.

Witnesses should not be defensive nor be lazy. Let's be pragmatic and productive rather than emotional. Let's take the opportunity to improve all of us, and make a bigger impact.

Please consider voting @asbear as a witness!

Here is more about me.

Unfortunately my post is not well noticed by the people outside of KR community, so please consider resteeming it if you think this project is valuable.

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