Witness Update 28 August 2018 - @jackmiller

Just a quick update without all the hankypanky salesmen pitches.

jackmiller LOGO NB seal of approval.png

Server is running fine, producing blocks without any issues, will get the updates done once necessary, don't see the point in having the server down when in fact all it needs to do is to produce blocks and with the current version it is all good to go.
So when it has to be taken down to do an update for whatever reason/patch then we'll get it all up to speed.

As per my promise to use the funds from the server for the charity donations we do as a family (at Christmas time) I have started powering down recently, with the 13 week increments it should be just in time to make sure everything is done for Christmas.
On that I am juggling powerdowns from my account and our family savings account, literally need to do it that way so as to make sure it all adds up. Will probably have to make up the difference in fiat (cash) if it doesn't work out, as for the crypto on our accounts, well, I can take care of that accounting/number crunching after Christmas. Don't need to add that to the list of worries, will have plenty of time during January to do that.

As for an update/quick look at some of the things I have been up to:

Put out a no nonsense service for anyone wanting to delegate to anyone out there.



PS. Thanks to @guiltyparites for this new logo. Love the support he gives to everyone around him.

PSS. If you have a vote to spare, please throw it his way, he is way toooooo modest, so I'll just say it.

VOTE FOR @guiltyparties , the man busting his balls behind the scenes to make the Steem experience better for everyone!

Back to steemdel.com

No tracking cookies, no databases etc on which information is stored etc etc etc.

A simple, straight forwards online form that puts out a link and with 2 clicks via Steemconnect gives you the exact delegation that you want to do, without storing any of your data or tracking any of your inputs.

Just don't like the idea of what is done on Fbook and to see that going on here right in front of our eyes makes me sick.

So that is what compelled me to get this done.

Have put together a promotional/informational webpage, promoting not only Steem and Promo-Steem but also the concept of using our ecosystem to its fullest. As a Steem Ambassador, I am concentrating on my one and only home, Australia and all Aussies who are on the internet. The website is: www.steemaustralia.org


Well, apart from the obvious reasons, there is the following:

I've noticed that we have an ecosystem that can be used to actually MAKE NEW WEALTH!

But the amount of people still stuck in their backwards fiat worldly ways, which resemble the former eastern block and their "Let's spend other peoples money" type of ways is disgusting.

Next to what we have here, there are still so many out there who just want to spend other peoples money and then claim that "they did something good" instead of using our ecosystem the way it was meant to be used and to CREATE NEW WEALTH for whatever purposes we desire!

So there is more to it than what meets the eye.

As for the other little projects out there:

@witnesspage is up and running just fine, resteeming ALL the relevant posts by Steem Witnesses, so there is a page where anyone can g to and see what exactly each and every witness is doing and transparently reporting/updating on.

As was/is the entire essence of the tags:


@lifesavers is voting away on all the people listed as moderators etc in the various Steemian communities out there.

So, even if it may seem that I am not there, YES I AM!


It's just not being done in a way that stands out and there is no 'bragging' about it, or doing it in a way by which my name shows up on every post that is upvoted. So, this is my little way of supporting ALL those people out there who are giving to our communities. Anyone can do the same if they want to, will have t post about that soon, to make it known how anyone of us can use @lifesavers to support those people who truly deserve it.

If you are not familiar with @lifesavers, here is the link to our INTRO!

Introducing @LIFESAVERS • A Way to Give Credit Where Credit Is Due! ♥️ Our Way of Saying THANKS!

Will be concentrating on the two things that I need to concentrate on most of all in the next few months, to try and ensure I stick to my planned schedules. This may result in me not being "seen" as much, but have no fear, Jack is near!

Need to get stuck into the 'front end' project more. Too many distractions, taking up too much of my time and the weeks are zooming by, so I will be focusing on this project intensely and not fiddling my thumbs or wasting my time on things that are literally a WOFTAM.

Like I said, this is a short, no nonsense update on where I am and what I am doing, will get a more detailed update done probably in about a months time in which I can go into more detail on some things that I am working on.

Can't wait for the "HF21" with the SMT's, wasn't the happiest of campers a while back when I realized it wasn't going to happen in HF20, but I didn't talk about that, waited for the crew who are responsible for it, to announce it, as one never knows what may or may not pop out on Github and surprise us!

So, we'll just adjust our plans in accordance with the 'newest, new' schedule, of Q1 2019 is it? (fingers crossed).

Thanks for reading.

Have a good one.

& don't forget to consider voting for my witness campaign if you have a vote to spare. Would really make a world of difference, as I keep saying, it's the person that matters.


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