Witness Update, Résumé & Plan - 01 July to 31 December 2018.

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Consider this post to be a general overview of my Witness Campaign or "Business Resume" (Résumé) of a sort.

This is not a "business plan" in itself, as things shall evolve along the way, especially with the Smart Media Tokens being implemented by the end of this year and then we shall see a surplus of new additions and options for all Steemians.

Covering the following:

Where I currently am.
What I am currently working on.
What my plans are for the rest of 2018.

The purpose of this post is to ensure Steemians can hold me accountable for my actions, both as a fellow Steemian and as a Witness.

Where I currently am.

Currently I have the following server up and running:

Price feeds are regular.
Have 4 blocks missed as a result of the "malicious attack" (frozen blockchain) from the other night in which practically all witnesses had missed blocks. Was at ZERO missed blocks prior to that!

My Witness server is up and running without any issues.
Update (patch) taken care of.

Server specs are:

64x GB RAM
Xeon E3
2x4 TB HDD
1gbit/s network
Dedicated Server

All paid for in advance for twelve months, so you don't have to worry about it "turning red" as a "dead witness".

As you can see by the specs here, it can handle any production rate necessary, even if it were to be in the TOP20 on the witness list.

As for Witness "Ranking" & Basic stats/info:
04 July 2018 @ 16:30 (GMT+2)


Communities and Projects:

I don't wish to make a novel out of this so I shall do it in point form, likewise I won't be listing all the things that were done, i.e. fundraising events etc that were once off things and are no longer current:

Actively contributing member of the following three communities:

Team Australia

Military Veterans of Steemit


Steem Church (an assembly of Christians)

In addition to the above listed three communities, I often "hang out" in other communities out there, depending on how the daily schedule of events and duties allows for it. So I am not limited to just these three, however it is these three communities that I am most active in as far as my contributions go.

Like some know, I believe that many do not know, as I mentioned earlier, my server has been paid for for one year in advance. My wife and I have agreed that all Steem from the production of blocks shall go to our charity donations that we do once, sometimes twice a year. This is a personal thing, but it needs to be noted so that I can be held accountable for it.

Here are links to the Projects that I have up and running:

& @thanku (No logo for it yet, coming soon)

& Don't forget to follow @witnesspage if you haven't already done so!

Current Community Project Delegations:

from @jackmiller

from @millers (our family/savings account)


What I am currently working on.

Again, will keep it short and simple:

  • Business plan for a new front end is being worked by a team of people/professionals (Hired for the job).

  • Another "Thank You List" in accordance with the principle "Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due".

  • Putting together an internet promotional campaign for Steem.

  • Two web pages.

  • Negotiating two business opportunities that shall include SBD and/or Steem as methods of payment.

  • Putting up ALL of my projects on Github, so as to further add to the "Transparent, Open and Public Politics" I preach about.

  • Working with members of @steemchurch on making the project @steemcourt and "SC Classrooms" become everything they can be for the SC Community.

  • Continuing on with the community bridging program I started (an ongoing program til who knows when)

This pretty much covers what I am currently working on. (Without giving away any trade secrets)

What my plans are for the rest of 2018.

As you can imagine, much of this shall be in some ways interlinked with the above list, however, what I shall do here is not only list the line items, but also go into the logic behind them.

  • Some time after HF20 kicks in, I plan on having a seed node set up and running as a responsible and active Witness.

I believe that this is self explanatory. No need to mention that I am not rich, nor am I in a position to be investing more than I can "afford", however, I do believe in a person taking on the business related and moral responsibilities and duties one takes on when becoming a Witness. If one day I do make it into the top20 on the list of Witnesses I shall most definitely have a full RPC node up and running too. However, I am a realist and for now I know that I shall realistically be able to have a seed node up and running as my further contribution to the overall success and smooth sailing of Steem.

  • As a part of my planned promotional campaign for Steem, I plan on having 2 websites up and running which should cover not only the further "promotion" of Steem but also numerous other aspects and projects out there.

Unfortunately at this moment in time I am unable to go into the details as to what they shall entail, what I can say without giving away "Trade/business" secrets is that they shall not be "earth shattering". The planned pages shall be multifunctional and serve more purposes than just 1.

For the purpose of this post and accountability, it is enough for me to quantify the number of portals for the above described general purposes, that I plan on having up by the end of this year.

  • As was mentioned I am in the middle of negotiations for two potential business opportunities in which I plan on incorporating the ability to use SBD and/or Steem as a means of payment.

Depending on how these negotiations go, this is something that I so look forward to. If these negotiations don't work out the way I hope, then I shall keep working towards finding other opportunities where I can make this happen.

  • Have a new front end platform up and running.

At the moment this project is still in its planning stages, however I have relayed to the company/team of people doing the business plan that my goal is to have it up and running no later than Christmas (25 December) this year.

Although my wishes are for it to be up and running this year, depending on what the team working on the business plan state as being realistically possible, along with the usual issues any projects out there always have with procured contractors and even subcontractors, this envisioned timeline may be subject to change. This does not mean however that I won't be giving my best shot so as to make it happen before Christmas this year.

Depending on the dynamics of all this, there is a possibility that I shall consider applying a Smart Media Token to this project, however once again, this is only a "Maybe". I have been working with a team of people on one of the planned SMTs and it isn't at all a game. Unlike the multitude of tokens seen elsewhere SMTs are actually going to be above and beyond "trading only" tokens, they shall open up an almost infinite number of opportunities as such. So to announce a SMT now would be putting the cart in front of the horse, to say the least. It may be a possibility that shall be looked into and which shall require a revision of the platforms business plan.

As always to date, I shall continue on with my "building bridges" out there, I sincerely believe that we can all find a "common denominator" in our goals here and it is this that I feel is a foundation to our future work and overall success with Steem.

No matter how many times I may fall over, or stumble along the way, I shall get back up, sit down and think about things and then continue on the path that lays ahead of me.

As you can see from the above, I have not gone into the "micro" details, that would probably require a 20 mile long post which nobody shall read. Even this post may be too long for some.

Now after some 4 months of being a Steem Witness, I truly feel that I can state where I want to be, what I plan on doing and know that what I am stating is 100% sincere. All based on logical reasoning/deductions based heavily on experiences to date and knowing what my limitations and realistic potentials are.

Likewise, there shall without a doubt as to date be many a project or program that I shall be included in that are not "mine" but of other Steemians/Witnesses, but I won't be laying claim to them as I haven't ever done to date in any which way, manner or form.

So I have a cram packed six months ahead of me and come 01 January 2019, you can all refer back to this post and call me up on it.

As with anything in life, things can change, we all make plans, but somehow, sometimes it seems that some higher force makes decisions and not us! Well, that is one way of saying "not everything may go as planned".

No matter what I accomplish of the above listed, know that I shall be doing my best to make it all happen as stated above.

Thank you,

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