Me a Top 20 Witness = ~$200 Every Day Spent on Ads for Steem! #6

witness update 6.png

As a top 20 witness, I will spend 80% of my block reward earnings to advertise Steem on Facebook, YouTube, and Google every day! With each top 20 witness receiving about 250 Steem Power every day, having me in any top 20 witness slot will provide ~$200 to $600 a day for our Steem advertising campaigns at $1 to $3 Steem. $200 a day is enough to advertise Steem on Facebook, Google, and YouTube to hundreds of thousands of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!

When we show this many ads every single day, we are guaranteeing a significant increase in the demand for Steem on exchanges over the coming months. We can also expect 100 to 1000 new users EVERY DAY from the ad signups and word of mouth marketing follow up! Review what we have already done together on the Steem advertising budget spreadsheet which shows all the posts related to these ad campaigns!

To be clear, these results are possible because of our combined efforts. The ads themselves and the work I do with them is worthless without the service of thousands of active authors posting and tens of thousands of curators upvoting every day. We have made a community worth advertising which is why the ads work.

Now is the time to devote a serious advertising budget every single day to help the billions of users spending time on free social media platforms to discover a better way here with us! All it takes is a few more witness votes to move me from 29 into the top 20 at along with an invitation to any existing top 20 witness to pledge some of their nearly $300 a day earnings to our advertising campaigns!

Incredible Returns!

As the price of Steem increases, my pledge to give 80% of my block production rewards as a top 20 witness will automatically increase our advertising budget. For example, at $4 Steem price, this will equal $800+ A DAY in ad spend which is enough to show about a half million ads daily. The coming $10 Steem price will equal $2,000 A DAY in ad spend good for millions of people to see ads for Steem every day. Even at $0.50 Steem, we still would get $100 a day in ad spend which would guarantee an increase in the price over time! The snowball effect of all these ads will be absolutely unbelievable!


The ads running and results of the ad campaigns are already and will remain visible to anyone at any time on the budget spreadsheet. Every week I will record payments from the 80% of top 20 witness blocks as I have already done with every other contribution received from author rewards to wallet transfers. Would any other top 20 witness willing to contribute some of the rewards simply send me the Steem with a memo "Steem ads" because then I will add this to the budget spreadsheet in the same way I have already added the wallet transfers?

To make the payments, I will do a partial power down starting when I am voted into the top 20 that will allow me to withdraw almost exactly the 80% of the witness block producer rewards every week which I will then add to the budget spreadsheet for the exact amount I receive in USD from selling that Steem on an exchange. All of the withdraw and cashed out Steem will be used for paying the bills to Facebook and Google for our ads. Posts reporting ad results will also continue to add to the budget with this new system.

Witness Server

If you are curious about my witness servers being prepared for a top 20 slot, here are my current specs for my witness server, seed node, and backup server.

2x Intel Xeon E5-2630 V3
2x 240GB SSDs
1Gbit/s connection

To summarize, I have missed one block in 3 months out of around a thousand received. I have a sever, a seed node, and am almost finished setting up 1 backup server while also planning to get a second backup server. Every single server is capable of handling a block every 63 seconds indefinitely. I am preparing an automatic failover system with conductor that will allow automatic switching of servers when just a few misses are detected to minimize blocks missed and provide the best user experience on Steem. If this is not finished before I hit the top 20, I will make it top priority and have it online within 48 hours of being voted in. For version updates, I expect to be able to switch servers between blocks without missing a block or having to disable!

New Ads Featuring More Authors!

To verify the effectiveness of the ads in the last three months, I have almost exclusively promoted my Steem account in the ads I have done so far. At now over 15,000 followers in just 4 months and with about half or more of those coming from ads, we all have clear proof that these ads work extremely well to bring new signups and all of the incredibly valuable actions each new user takes from there.

With receiving the 200+ Steem a day as a top 20 witness, the majority of the advertising budget will be spent promoting users that are not me along with features, apps, and Steemit generally. This will allow us to bring in every type of potential user as we each have the chance to explain the value of Steem and then have ads run directly to our post. In other words, this new budget and approach empowers me to work behind the scenes to promote the best of what is happening on Steemit every day. I have already started this with the Smart Media Tokens ads and am ready to expand into posts by hundreds of different authors!

To empower this expansion, I will be launching writing contests which reward our authors for writing the best “Welcome to Steem” posts and curators for finding our best existing posts that I can directly use in ads to promote us which will allow me to shift the majority of the ad budget away from promoting me and over to promoting you and your friends! I hope to have hundreds of these posts being promoted every day in the coming months to help authors on Steem build a following and users online to instantly see why Steem is amazing and how to get started! I will provide example posts for reference and welcome posts of all types! For example, here is a post I think is ideal to promote to cryptocurrency investors in Google display network ads: Top 10 Reasons to Buy and Hold Steem!

Given that video ads have proven the most effective for promoting Steem, I will also be opening the video ads to any YouTube channel along with collaborating to make videos with authors, curators, investors, and anyone else that is willing to help us share the value of Steem! If you would like to do an interview or recommend someone to interview, would you please ask or nominate in the comments along with suggesting a theme such as “what I love most about Steem” or “my Steem story” because this will help me start reaching out to make connections and do video ads for more of us!

I also have several new video ads planned which promote Steem generally in short formats which should help attract a lot more investigation and word of mouth marketing without spending 90% of the video showing my earnings and posts.

Let’s Do This!

The voters that can make this happen the very fastest are @steemit, @misterdelegation, @steem, @blocktrades, @ned, @val-a, @mottler, @databass, @dan, @jamesc, @michael-b via proxy @proskynneo, @val-b, @minority-report, @ranchorelaxo, @thejohalfiles, @ben, @smooth, @xeldal, @abit via proxy @abitmore, @arhag, and @jamesc1 because nearly all of these voters has an open witness vote and/or a vote for a disabled witness on a million dollars or more worth of Steem power!

Thank you very much to @freedom via proxy @pumpkin, @clayop, @hendrikdegrote, @roadscape, and @tamim for already voting me to rank 29 to make this launch to the top possible along with huge proxies from @craig-grant, @nikez452, and @onealfa!

To secure a huge and ongoing increase in funding indefinitely for our ads, would you make a vote for me as a witness or set me as a proxy today at because 80% of the rewards from my top 20 witness spot worth about 200 Steem every day will be spent to fund our ads together indefinitely?

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29


Set JerryBanfield proxy

Thank you for reading my sixth update as a full time witness and empowering me to be of service here with you in building our community!

Jerry Banfield

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