Pcste Witness update 16/07/2017

Ive upgraded to a dedicated server from @privex. no longer missing blocks.

current witness position : 92
missed blocks : 9
running v 0.19.0

Updating price feed every hour with steem-feed.js

seed node address : (Germany)

{"account_creation_fee":"0.200 STEEM", "maximum_block_size":65536,"sbd_interest_rate":0} true
publish_feed pcste { "base":"0.857 SBD", "quote":"1.000 STEEM"} true

Server specs :

Intel Xeon E3-1245
2 x 3TB Sata Enterprise
Nic 1Gbit

Running @someguy123's steem in a box (SIAB) with 16Gb allocated to witness.

Other things ive been doing on steemit.
Been posting my photography as usual.
This past week ive also been re-working on https://steemfriends.com. Ive just added an SSL certificate so its now more secure.
Check it out, let me know what you think. Its still in its early stages but theres already 65 users so far. Thanks if you've joined :-)

Ive introduced a few new users to steemit in the past 2 weeks, although there seems to be a long waiting list as they are still waiting for steemit to email them back.
Does anybody know how long its currently taking to be accepted to steemit? seems to be taking a while atm.

Also introduced @boney-idol who has yet to make a post.
Please give him a warm steemit welcome when he makes his first post.

Thanks to @someguy123 and @privex for their help on my witness journey :-)
If you want a reliable server with excellent customer service then check out @privex

Please consider voting for me on the witness page.
to vote for me go to : https://steemit.com/~witnesses scroll down the page and enter pcste into the box (dont use @sign) then click vote

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