Steem Now Has A New Full Public RPC Node On wss://, To Spur On And Inspire Steemit/Growth In The Developing Nations As Well.

Thank you for all the loving messages and especially prayers sent towards me and my mama, by my amazing steemit family. 

A New Full RPC Public Node To Balance The Steem Ecosystem and Promote Steemit Growth

In my last post, i didn't get the full chance of speaking on the new full RPC Public node, due to very tough times in my physical life. Thus, i will speak about it a bit today. 

Altogether, full RPC nodes are being maintained to give more room in terms of workload capability to the steem ecosystem and improve speed and reliability, overall. 

Developers etc use these nodes in their creation of steem-related apps, which is a core aspect of steem/steemit growth.

More recently, more full RPC public nodes have arisen. Here are some of the public full RPC nodes:

  • administered by @privex (Operational)
  • administered by @gtg (Operational)
  • administered by @netuoso (Operational)
  • which used to be administered by @jesta 
  • @followbtcnews (Operational)
  • administered by @themarkymark (Operational)
  • administered by @pharesim (Operational) 

There are a few other nodes as well e.g,,,

There also private RPC nodes e.g the full RPC node ran by and one by @furion

These nodes also are posed to create steemit growth, as most of these private nodes exist, specifically to house apps built on the steem blockchain.

There is one more full RPC public node. It is around a week old. It can be found here:


Here is the spec of the above node:

  • wss://
  • RAM: 256GB DDR4 RAM
  • Network: 1gbit/s, Germany
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5 12-core

This post is a full-blown post to announce its existence, with hopes that all portals containing the list of full RPC nodes can be updated, to make it easier for developers/coders to find and use it. 

I managed to edit the list found on the Steem Wiki center:

However, there are a few other portals e.g, @steemreports etc, that may not have been updated yet. 

If you are a developer, coder, etc and you have already used or tried this node, kindly give feedback on its speed etc in the comments below. 

Why Run A Full Rpc Node?

Well, there are many reasons e.g gratitude, steemit growth, conviction in the potency of steem/steemit etc

One other major reason is to inspire/motivate developers/coders but especially developers/coders from the developing nations who are steemians. 

Speaking of developers from developing nations, there is a ton of them and you may instantly think India because indeed, there many steemian developers hailing from there. The truth however is, there are ton of developers/coders hailing from developing countries in general e.g the Philippines, Africa, Venezuela, Nigeria etc I tell you, i do know some of these ones, who do all their coding in the background for they don't feel ready enough to bring their ideas and innovation, fully to the fore. By means of steemgigs, we manage to identify these awesome talents and even work with some of them.

Yes, blogging is a major setup posed to bring steemit to the mainstream, even without conventional Ads: "simply remove barriers to entry (into the world of blockchain), by opening it up to about anyone (everyone can create some form of content); then serve the search engines organically with thousands of blog posts daily; incentivize the entire process (content creation & curation) and the world must hear of steemit/steem.

But there is more.....

Create the best open source blockchain in the world (0 fees, 3 seconds block times, scalability etc) and incentivize developers/coders to create problem-solving/innovative/fun steem-based apps and what more can we ask for?

Coders & Developers play a key role in the steem ecosystem and especially when it comes to steemit growth.

 Imagine how many people find esteem or join steemit, solely because they found out, that they can use steem/steemit on their phones, in the form of an app. 

Then when the "steemgigs" interface is all set and ready, imagine how many more people will join steemit, solely to look for talents or offer their expertise in exchange for steem or join steemit because they feel they untalented and steemit/steemgigs offers a home, where "everyone has something to offer". 

There is no beating it; steem-based apps is a very core part of steemit growth, thus, more coders/developers emanating, help matter.

For people who love memes only, they will still have to join steemit afterall, to use @dmania. Notice that for a 9gagger or an imgurer; @dmania may attract them more organically than steemit or 

Same applies to apps like @dsound @dlive @dtube @steepshot @utopian-io @zappl in attracting users from soundcloud, twitch, youtube, instagram, github and twitter, respectively.

Again, why wss://

Based on the establishment above, i decided to put up another full RPC public node, especially to help spur developers on and incite developers hailing from developing countries, into more activity. 

My witness is called "steemgigs" instead of "surpassinggoogle" to represent community and especially "humans" and that is why the full RPC node, is tied to the domain

Overall, i want to help uncover precious gem in the form of talents (coders/developers etc) flourishing in these developing nations, thus, in many things that i do, i take cognizance of this and more.

There is talent in these developing nations and many developers too. In the Philippines community alone, a large number of developers/coders exist and the same applies to steemit communities, located in every developing nation.

Coders/Developers like @eastmael @vallesleoruther @emerge @nnnarvaez @precise @moisesmcardona etc is an endless list of coders/developers, who are great and need such inspiration and motivation from knowing they can code some more.

Yes, many of these communities do need inspiration and motivation and something they can look up to, to restore confidence within them, which is something very great and a core reason for this new node. 

For the most part, almost everything i do on steemit, is shaped towards steemit/steem growth, so i am hoping in due time to rally these developers, into creating steem apps, specifically to spur steemit growth in these developing countries. 

We need more steem-related apps specifically tailored to fit this audience, which i am sure will happen over time. I am with hopes, that this new full RPC node will help in this regard. 

How Do I Manage To Sustain This Server?

Well, this will happen mostly from my earnings. I am hopeful that i can manage to gather funds from my steemit earnings each month to keep the server up. This is simply sacrifice on my part as it is needed. My "steemgigs" witness earning as well, will go into this at this point, however small it currently is. 

The steemgigs interface should be ready in weeks! It has its expenses as well. I do hope to run it on its own server and hopefully its own full RPC node, when it is fully functionally, so that it is ready to host the masses. 

There is one more great tool in works that will sit on and that particular tool, will bring so-so-so much additional awesomeness to steemit. 

For steemit growth, i tackle my aspect inside-out, by making steemit a home away from the internet. Thus, this particular tool, when it is ready, is something that will bring features, that will be discussed for a long time. will as well run on its own server.

Hahaha, i don't have funds in reality but i have me and you and many things are possible, so i don't fret much about where money will arise from. 

Create a need and the drive for sustaining this need goes a notch higher, thus, let's at least start and see where it goes.

In the meantime, i do the hospitals! Was able to transfer my mum to another hospital and its day two now. Basically, her case is complicated and doctors aren't taking her in. 

Infact, the last hospital took all the bills but didn't do much in terms of treatment to help her case. Securing a transfer alone took days and her blood count deteriorates. I will have to watch these things. It hurts intensely.

It does help that i can still get to be here on steemit. She very much wants me to, too. So go we must!

Your Boy Terry


I do need strength

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. 

Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU.

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses.

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.


 Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag untalented

"Everyone has something to offer!" 

You have a home on the Steemgigs community on discord. The untalented family is also hosted on there! 


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