Even Witnesses Get Scared! Or is it Scarred!?

I am a Steem witness! Apart from being a husband and father, being a witness has probably been the next most meaningful event in my life, to me it is not about reward, not about fame or power, it is about being the best person I can be, about taking the trust of a global community and using that to fuel and drive me to empower people to join my vision and build a better tomorrow.

While studying for an exam which will make-or-break the rest of my life and the lives of my family, I read something which stirred me to the core. In paraphrase, what I read was a question which asked whether there is a prevalent trend in today's modern age, where a person's worth is judged by social status, material wealth and possessions and no longer by the values of old such as kindness, honour and trust; which perhaps no longer seem important.

Do you believe this to be true?

I believe that it is easier to change yourself than it is to change the world, and a collective of "self-changers" will in-turn lead to a global transmutation of positive change. I don't have the metrics to answer this question but I can say despite certain indicators that corroborate this theory to be true, I would rather wish to believe this question holds no truth at all; I would believe that we can just wake up and renew our minds and values, look around and decide we have had enough and be the change we want to see in others.

Let every day be a "Tabula Rasa", a blank slate, which allows us to break free of the norms that bind us; breach time and time again the artificial ceilings that prevent us from achieving the heights we were born for and in so achieving them not only for ourselves but to uplift others with us as well.

There would be no greater honour than being a knight of the round table, fighting for justice, freedom, honour and trust for those who cannot or will not fight, a knight who not only draws his sword, but at times produces a rose, a kind word or paints a picture of a world in a future state of greatness, leaving today behind as a relic of the past which remains forgotten in the shadow of the awe and prosperity of a new tomorrow.

I write this because even though I look in amazement at what this community has helped me achieve, through its belief in me I have catalysed innovations which I never previously thought I could imagine, but despite these successes, I am once again facing a "Tabula Rasa" moment, where the outcome will decide the future of mine and those I care for.

I take comfort that a trial by fire can only battle-harden the soul and akin to the Japanese tradition of Kintsukuroi, where broken pottery is repaired with its cracks filled in with lacquer dusted with gold powder thus enhancing the proverbial scars and so portraying them in a light of beauty; I too, even though at times I feel broken and afraid of what I face, if I can just prevail in my task laid out before me, I will emerge with my scars laced with gold and even more magnificent than when I went in.

This is my practice for tomorrow, this is my release and my peace, my promise to you that I will emerge scarred but not broken, I will prevail for my family and for my community. I first need to build a solid foundation in my own life so I can lean on it to lift up the lives of others, tomorrow I lay the bricks and mortar of that foundation, once this is built, I will in the coming days, return and with the help of @buildteam, which consists of my friends and fellow talented Steemians, continue to build out the tomorrow we all deserve.

Thank you for entrusting me as your witness, your votes for me are my strength when I feel I have none and drives me to be who I am and who I will be in the future that we will build together!

See you on the other side of tomorrow! Namaste!

Steem Witness and proud member of @buildteam

Image Credit = Pixabay

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