Witness, Mark Your Calendars, You Are Invited ... Along With the Community

During Pimp Your Post Thursday on March 23rd, @ancapbarbie brought up the subject of witnesses and the importance of voting for them. As often happens during PYPT this topic quickly took off into a discussion about what witnesses are, their role, responsibilities, who they are, community expectations etc.

Watching this discussion, it occurred to me this topic needed its own forum and announced there would be a discussion the following morning. Now, it was short notice, I knew that. Sometimes, you just gotta act and see what happens. Notice was sent out and people were asked to spread the word.

To my surprise, twelve witnesses arrived for the talk, another five during the afterchat. I was pleased and astounded. I get that people have busy lives. Here is the recording of the chat March 24th:

During the chat, it became evident to me, this was a subject we needed to return to often. Toward the end of the chat, I asked the witnesses and community members how they felt. They indicated they would like to see this happen again.

The Next Witness Chat Approaches

The next chat is Saturday, April 21st starting at 11am EDT (3pm UTC) in the Steemit Ramble Discord. ALL witnesses are welcome and encouraged to attend. Members of the community are welcome to attend.

This will be an open format discussion. I will be moderating it but more with the goal of keeping it moving smoothly and avoiding any particular voices dominating discussion.

If you aren’t able to participate on voice or are uncomfortable doing so, we’ll try to keep an eye on the text chat to catch questions and relay them on your behalf. The chat moved pretty fast the last time so, we can only promise to try our best.

So, mark your calendars and plan on attending. It’s all of our community. The more informed we are, the better.

Broadcast on Steemstar Radio

The chat will be recorded. It will also be broadcast on Steemstar Radio. Visit the page to find links to tune in via YouTube, Twitch or VLC.

Listen in or come and take part. Knowledge is understanding.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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