Question for all my followers...

Hey Again Steemitizens!

This is me in my element, on the air on SteemStar Network talking to steemitizens and witnesses and community leaders every Sunday. It's the highlight of my otherwise task and treachery filled weeks spent soloing my life and living it sleepless on Steem.

Today, I'd like to take a moment and ask you all a pretty straight forward question...

If over 1800 of you follow me and assuming a good number are probably "dead" or "dormant" followers who are no longer active on steemit or are bots and such, that still leaves a pretty large number of you who are actually "out there."

SoI have 1822 followers but when I look at my witness vote count, I see that I only have 295 voters.

This means that all of this is true:

I have:

1822 followers total

600 are apparently "dead" (no post or vote within a month)- seems to be inoperable so i'm using the last times I checked as an assumption here, running an average of about 30% dead over the past few months.

So, I really have:

1200 Approximate Active Followers

295 Witness voters

Which means about 900 of you are not voting for my witness.

So let me ask you, why? What can I do to win your witness votes?

Is the charity work we do with your help via @YouAreHOPE for orphans, sick, homeless and weather emergency affected people by the hundreds in 7 countries now, not enough? Could we be doing more, differently, better?

Is the @SteemStarNetwork not serving content you want to consume? (Though we are grateful to the many of you who DO join us for the shows!) Could we improve it to serve your streaming media interests better?

Do you have issue with my witness position on various topics around the ecosystem?

Have I let you down by being a less than steller contributor at times, especially in the communities I live in on discord, which I find so dear and important, but take so much of my time, I never give enough time to each of them individually? (I am in about 35 and that's low by comparison to some of my peers, I don't know how you all do it including our DM loads from random strangers begging us for stuff all the time - @crimsonclad, @shadowspub, @topkpop, @bearone, we are all looking at you here.)

Just don't like me? That's cool, I got people I definitely don't like. If you don't have haters, you ain't even playing.

Can we talk about it? Work it out? Win you over?

I'll be honest, things have felt a little stagnant lately, and our projects, communities, and my witness need a little encouragement, as at times, it begins to feel a little futile, like it so often does for the minnows we defend and support as we run these missions like the charity to feed the poorest and the radio to give voices to the stronger ones who have made it at least to steem and this far already.

Hats off to all of you who have become the focus of my life and attention and passion, via steem, and the blockchain we share here. I am at your disposal today to discuss any of this. I'm @SirCork in discord and as well.

Empowering my witness will fuel my ability to maximize the charity work, and focus on the existing projects I operate as well as many others I would like to be able to do, given the time and funding an elevated witness position would allow for. So please consider what I've demonstrated in the thousands of hours I've invested here over the past 8 months and let's help me do moarrrr of it for you and the neediest people on Earth beyond our beloved platform here.

Yes, I am basically asking for your vote, or in lieu of that, a fair conversation about why. Ideally, right here in the comments, kind or critical, as I don't mind airing any of this for all to see. If I'm wrong fine, but if you come at me falsely, well, I'd like to see that right here in clear air too.

Here I am. Hit me, hit me hard.

Please, and thank you!


@nnnarvaez has informed me of the following:

And it will ask user and active key and cast the vote in a secure and easy way.

So if you are ready to vote and want it one-click easy, this will do the trick. Thanks Nathan!

Yours in service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE - worlds first steem exclusive, block chain transparent worldwide humanitarian aid organization
Founder @SteemStarNetwork - the 24/7 stream at the center of the steemiverse by steemitizens for steemitizens
Your dedicated, charitable, platform passionate Steem Witness

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