The story behind naming @paynode, my witness node on the Steem Blockchain

My name is RoelandP, and quite often people ask me: where does the P come from?

Some guess it's the P from Pancakes as my parents started a pancake restaurant 35 years ago. My childhood nickname used to be just that: 'pannekoek' (pancake in dutch), maybe you know it from the beastie boys: "and when I'm in Holland I eat the Pannekoeken".

But no its not. The P stands for Pieter. The story goes that when my mom gave birth they called me Pieter. Only hours later they thought about that one of my nephews (couple of years older) was already bearer of that name. So they decided to go for another well know name in the family "Roeland" and left Pieter attached as second firstname. I'm proud to have the name.

Coming to the @paynode naming: it's quite simple too. The P from Roeland P in dutch is not pronounced Pee but as 'pay'. Therefore (and because i was dabbling with payments for Steemit) I named it @paynode.

@paynode is my small vps witness which runs the Steemit blockchain and mines to verify and find new blocks.

If you have a moment I would kindly ask you to give your upvote to @paynode by filling in on the very bottom of this page like so:


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