Wiwcontest Week 20 Theme – FLOWERS (White) - Entry #1 , #2 and #3.

The beautiful Magnolia flowers are a sign of spring in the air they may come in white, pink or purple. The Magnolia flower is a representative of the beauty encompassing femininity and gentleness.

Entry : #1

Camera : iPhone 6

iPhone 6 March 2018 Samui Trip No2 329.JPG

Entry : #2

Camera : Sony TX10

The Frangipani flower a beautiful tree of flowers which shades in many colors. Their sweet scent and sheer beauty make them universally loved and this cluster of flower look sensational on the tree when they are fully bloomed.


Entry : #3

Camera : iPhone 6

Now the white rose this is just the ultimate flower of true love but today this beautiful rose is more associated with marriages and new beginnings a symbol of purity.

iPhone 6 Chinese New Year & Valentine Day 105.JPG


Contest : #wiwcontest

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