WhiteIsWhite Photography Flowers

WIW Moms Garden.jpg

Every year, growing in mom's garden, these flowers bloomed.
Not sure what they were, but there were ants crawling on those green buds.
Mom said the ants were good for the garden, and somehow were semi-symbiotic.

Anyway, I thought they were perfect for the White Is White Flowers Photography Challenge. Thanks Diane @dmcamera #wiwcontest Check Out this week's White Is White Challenge
Be sure to read Diane's posts, and follow directions. It helps ALL of us, when we help each other!

• Monday: White Photographed Against White
• Tuesday: Animals
• Wednesday: Flowers
• Thursday: Food And Drink
• Friday: Architecture
• Saturday: Water In Nature
• Sunday: Anything Goes

More of my White Is White Photography

Geeky Camera Stuff:
Nikon d3100 (which means I must have used my daughters camera: my old camera!), 44mm, f5.3, 1/60th, Adobe Lightroom for Photo Management and developing, and Photoshop for Post Processing.

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