White Is White Flower Contest Entries

This is my first entry into @dmcamera's 'White Is White' Contest, which this week has a theme of (white) flowers...

My first entry features a beautiful tumbling spray of Hawthorn blossoms in our chicken field hedgerow. I was intending to go out and photograph the ONLY flowers currently to be seen in the village - snowdrops, appropriately enough - but the daylight has been so low and the weather so cold and bone-chilling that I decided to stay in and hunt through my Lightroom catalogue instead!

This photo was taken last spring and rediscovering it in my portfolio as I scoured it for white floral images has made me long for Spring even more than I already was doing - which I had no idea was humanly possible!

'Hawthorn Blossom' by Jay Taylor

Next up is an image of a beautiful White Foxglove in our garden. Some people seem not to be aware that white foxgloves exist, but they do, and they're gorgeous! So here's a treat for those of you who thought they only grow in pink:

'White Foxgloves' by Jay Taylor

Last but not least is a photograph of one of our many Oxeye Daisies - I just love these cheerful little souls and spent ages last summer documenting (just for myself) how unique each and every one of them is. Add a few once-only, never to be repeated dew drop formations to that uniqueness and you have this:

'Oxeye Daisy With Dewdrops' by Jay Taylor

All of the above photographs were taken using my Olympus OMD-EM1 camera with my Panasonic Lumix G Vario 45-200mm lens attached.

I hope you've enjoyed this post As an independent creative and unschooling Mama, sharing aspects of my life and work makes me feel more connected to other free thinkers and creative people in the World…Your support, kind-ness and appreciation of my always-original content are most welcome!

Good luck to all the entrants in this week's WIW contest - fingers crossed that the judge enjoys my beautiful floral finds!

With love,

Jay x


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