It Was a Winter Wonderland

I've never been a big fan of snow, particularly in the city.

My thoughts go from "aw, it's snowing!" to "can it hurry up and melt completely already?". I mean, who here enjoys looking at piles of brown ice blocking the sidewalks and causing nothing but trouble? Anyone?

However, I do find myself feeling excited and willing to run out of the house with my camera whenever the view outside the window consists in a scenery covered in a thick blanket of white fluff. Snow can make for very minimalistic and otherworldly photos sometimes.

These photos were taken in one of the very few times I got to experience the result of snow storms in Switzerland.



There was no one around. Either because we were the only crazy ones daring to go out to take pictures in those conditions or simply because it was too early in the morning and the neighbours had better things to do (ie. sleep in) to leave the comfort and warmth of their own bed. Or maybe both... definitely both.


This happened a couple of years ago. I don't remember how cold it was that morning, but it was cold enough for my fingers to want to end their own lives.

We walked around for a little bit and managed to take a few shots I was moderately satisfied with, and then ran back home to bring our body temperature up to a healthy level. It took plenty of coffee and food for me to feel normal again.

Needless to say, I did not leave the house for the rest of the day.

This is my entry to @dmcamera's #wiwcontest -- WHITE AS SNOW

All Rights Reserved © 2018 Carla Cometto

Steem for the win!


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