Why feminism is important to me and what I hope to achieve from taking part in the conversation

Thursday, 8 March
International Women's Day 2018

Nowadays whenever we scroll down pages of any social media platform, we frequently see posts related to sexual harassment, rape, suction of the bride by in-laws & many others. By which we all over again are even more flushed in with feminism. But many of us take the wrong path, knowingly or unknowingly - we start hating men. If any male is saying something thinking about your good we take it as if he is trying to stop us. If by chance a man loses his balance in public transport we take it as a try to sexual abuse.When a man tries to care about us or help us some think they are trying to convey women are weak. And all of this on name of FEMINISM.

What is FEMINISM???

Feminism is simply a belief that every human being should have equal rights and opportunities regardless of their sexuality.



What FEMINISM Does NOT Mean??

• Feminism is not being superior to men- of course because we are talking about equality here.

• It’s not about hating men- not all men standing out there are waiting to stab you. So don’t generalize. When we generalize we are actually turning the good men against us slowly like slow poising.

• Color distinction according to gender- generally we assume pink is the color for a girl and if any man likes it then he’s definitely weird. And many women also deny liking the pink color just to show “ I am not girlie”- so where is the equality here??



• Many think women are much more superior than man because we, women create a life inside us. But how will the life start blooming if the seed is not provided. We need men for the seed. So, creating a life needs both male and female. So no one is superior here.

Well I am myself a feminist and I am from India. Here I am able to see how easily feminism is taking the wrong turn. So, don’t make feminism a negative idea. Feminism is the reason we are having workplace advancement, giving us the right to take an action when we are being mistreated, laws are been passed against marital rape, freedom to be what you want to be, getting equal rights to education, dowry system has lessened over time, expecting your consent from your sexual partner and many other things which have progressed a lot compared to the past.

Feminism is a valuable word. If it gets mislead, the harm will be of the feminine. So use it wisely.

And another point is if Feminism is all about equality then why it has a name like feminine. Why not EQUILITY?? or HUMANISM??

According to me it’s because we are still living in a male dominated world and we specifically want women to get equal right that’s why not “ equality” or “ humanists”!! These words don’t specify the needs of equality to what?? So, when you are pointing to something in particular you should be particular.



Feminism is simply equality!!

Thank you ma'am @beanz for creating this opportunity for us. Wishing you a Happy Women's Day.

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