Recipe: Make Your Own Natural Caffeinated Summer Glow Body Scrub!

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So I'm sitting here on this hot as hell Saturday afternoon thinking about what I should share with my fellow Steemians today. I woke up not feeling so great, and promised @teamhumble I'd take it easy so I decided to make it a "Making Day".

Fast forward through an apocalyptic zombie infested supply run to the grocery store. Dayle, armed with only her crossbow and two katana blades dodges the swarms of people repeating the same 3 phrases about Donald Trump, and staring vacantly at the difference between $2.99 Maple Syrup and $2.45 Maple Syrup.

I got some supplies for a raw vegan cheesecake, beetroot hummus and yes... more falafel. ;) Yes. I'm addicted. And no, I don't care if you judge me.

Knowing I was low on coconut oil I decided to revisit a recipe I made on a whim last summer, an instant coffee sugar scrub for the shower. We had a jar of instant coffee that was pretty vile stuff.


Now, @teamhumble and I love our coffee, but I believe we went coffee-less MANY mornings not even considering the stuff. I remember suggesting it once and he just looked at me like I suggested we brew some dirt and twigs from outside.

It was pretty bad. So there it sat, until I read about caffeine being really good for your skin! (some beauty guru YouTuber was probably reviewing some fancy cream from France that cost a small home's down payment). So I whipped up a batch of this coffee scrub and took my .50p coin down to the shower to test it out.



It's good. Like REAL good. The sugar acts as an exfoliant, the coffee tightens skin improves the look of cellulite and increases circulation and the coconut oil gives you that deep glowing hydration. YAS.

What began as an attempt to salvage a crappy jar of instant coffee taking up space in the cupboard became my go to every shower time.

Here's the recipe!

  • 2 parts Instant coffee (the cheaper the better)
  • 2 parts white sugar or brown sugar (both work great, the batch I made today used brown sugar)
  • 1 part unrefined coconut oil (warmed and in it's liquid state makes mixing easier)

Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container!

Yay you did it! Of course feel free to mess with the ratios to suit your preference. I go a little heavy on the coconut oil but that's just me being extra. You really only need enough so that everything binds together, kind of like you're making a graham cracker pie crust, loose, but you can compress it in your hand and form a ball.

I really hope you try this out and let me know what you think!


Note: You can also use this as a natural face scrub but BE WARNED. It's abrasive as hell, so if you have sensitive skin don't say I didnt warn you. I'd also advise washing your face with your normal cleanser afterward because coconut oil is pretty high on the comodogenic scale, and might make you break out.

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