Why #WomenSpeakOut is a Good Thing for Men

Women Speak Out is a movement to encourage women to share positive stories in an empowering way. The first #WomenSpeakOut post speaks to the collaborative idea behind the tag, which is the brainchild of #TeamGirlPowa. The post also includes guidelines, and a journalistic piece highlighting women (including Oprah) and one particularly supportive male (Bono from U2) all working towards empowering gender equality.

This post is about continuing the conversation.

Are Men's Voices Welcome on Women Speak Out posts?

Absolutely! Men are 100% encouraged to engage in thoughtful conversation in the comments.

@trumanity spoke up in a reply, saying #EveryoneSpeakOut, and jesting (sort-of) about a #MenSpeakOut tag.

He brought up a valid point. I think, in the fury of women around the world collectively confessing things no one should have to confess, and bringing to light the inequality happening everywhere, a lot of men are feeling like it isn't safe to speak.

I don't want anyone to be afraid to speak.

But I also think we need to learn to listen to each other. (I am so not perfect at this, but I'm trying!)

I wrote such a lengthy response to his comment I figured it would make a good second post for the WSO tag. Here goes!

ocean child
Yeah, that's me. Let's call this one, "Humility."

In response to the question: "What would happen if I used a tag like #menspeakout?"

BY ALL MEANS, if someone is inspired to start a #menspeakout tag, and y'all invite women to participate in the comments, I think that would be great! You'd be adding to the conversation.

I can only imagine all the references that would be thrown around between #womenspeakout and #menspeakout on Steemit. Like, "hey this guy had something really important to say," and, "listen to this girl, she's got a great point." We can toss gratitude around, laugh at funny comments, contemplate deep thoughts, and probably cry every so often.

Let the heart of it be all of us on the same level, moving forward together in a positive way.

#womenspeakout is a helpful category. Think of it as a library celebrating women's voices. I'd love to see one celebrating men's voices too, if it includes anyone identifying as male, like we've done here.

We all see from different perspectives. Each one is important. I don't want anyone's voices muted, unless they are hurtful or detracting from the positive nature of the concept we're building here. (And I am only one ambassador of this concept, which was born in the #TeamGirlPowa group chats.)

Equality is a tricky conversation to have, on any issue. Racial equality, gender equality, carnivore vs. vegan—whatever—we all have different views. My main intention for posting on #womenspeakout is to encourage positive conversation about a very difficult issue, to celebrate women feeling empowered, and to give a shout out to EVERYONE supporting them!

Yes, #everyonespeakout. And, while we're doing so, let the #WomenSpeakOut tag collect the stories of brave women and the tribes they belong to, so that we may read them and be inspired.

In the spirit of keeping the conversation rolling, I'd like to nominate @jeremyc to do a post on #MenSpeakOut (if you want... no pressure, lol!)

I met Jeremy in the blur that was my first few days on Steemit, both of us brand new here only a week ago, and he's already posted on the importance of allowing each person to have their own perspective. Jeremy, I'd love to hear what you have to say!

So why is #WomenSpeakOut good for men?

Because it invites us to have meaningful conversation, with everyone on a level playing field.

Because it is an opportunity to contribute to a great shift happening in the world right now.

Because if we don't listen to each other, we all miss out.

But if we show up for each other, then we all win!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

photo: Nat Anfield | model: Katrina Ariel
Oprah gif via giphy.com


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